Managing Outbound Dialers


You use this procedure to create, modify, and delete dialers. There are two built-in dialers that are capable of executing campaigns of the types preview, progressive, and predictive.


Communication Panel only supports Queue Dialer and Campaign Dialer.


You must have rights to manage dialers.


Creating Dialers

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose Outbound Management > Dialers.

  2. Choose Add New.

    A screen area with relevant assignment blocks appears.

  3. In the Basics block, enter the information according to the following table.




    Enter the name for the dialer. This field is mandatory.


    Choose the dialer type:

    • QueueDialer: Serving agents receive both inbound queue calls and active campaign calls from all active campaigns defined under a queue dialer queue.

      • A Sinch Contact Pro built-in dialer
      • Enables outbound campaign calling via an inbound call queue
      • Supported modes: preview, progressive, and predictive
      • For more information, see Receiving Outbound Calls from Inbound Queues
    • Campaign Dialer: Serving agents receive both inbound queue calls and active campaign calls from one agent-selected campaign.

      • A Sinch Contact Pro built-in dialer
      • Enables outbound campaign calling via an inbound call queue
      • Supported modes: preview, progressive, and predictive
      • For more information, see Receiving Outbound Calls from Inbound Queues

    This field is mandatory.


    If you chose the Sytel dialer, enter the IP address or server name.

    This setting does not apply to Sinch Contact Pro cloud.

    Max. Lines

    Enter the number of phone lines that the dialer can use for dialing. Typically the dialers use the default value of 30 phone lines. If IVR is used, the Max. Lines setting defines the maximum number of simultaneous calls.


    You may also specify a campaign-specific Max. Lines value in campaign management.

    Expiry Time for Personal Redial

    Enter the time when a scheduled callback of an agent is allocated to another agent if the call is not made. Enter the value in seconds. The default value is 900.

  4. For information about the rights assignment block, see Access Rights.

  5. To define a dialer parameter, choose the parameter name from the list and enter its value.


    The Parameters block is for advanced use and only needed in special cases. In typical call campaigns there is no need to enter parameters. Most parameters do not apply to Sinch Contact Pro cloud.


    Used with Dialer


    Default Value


    Queue Dialer and Campaign Dialer

    Adds seconds to a queueing connected predictive call-
  6. Save your entries.

Modifying or Deleting Dialers

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose Outbound Management > Dialers.

  2. Search for the dialer whose settings you want to modify.

    The search result list appears.

  3. Choose the dialer by double-clicking it.

  4. Modify the settings, or choose Delete.

  5. Save your entries.