Sinch Contact Center Restful Directory and Presence Interface (DPI) API documentation version v1
This interface provides directory data, and for internal users and queues also presence information.
Request Header Data Requirements
To GET JSON response, the request must have "Accept = application/json" header.
To GET XML response, the request should have "Accept = application/xml" header.
Collection of entries.
Get a list of entries.
Add a new entry. Currently binary attributes are not supported. New entry is added to the given groups.
get /entries
Get a list of entries.
Query Parameters
- language: (string)
Define with a two-character code (ISO 639) the language to which the translatable values are translated. By default, logged-on user’s language is used.
- search: (string)
Full text search from directory. Sentence can be searched using "". Multiple search words and/or sentences can be used for request.
search=Tech* John Fox "Acme Consult"
- groupId: (string)
By default the search is done from all user's directory groups, but it is possible to specify smaller set of groups here, separated by comma.
- onlyInternals: (string)
Search from internal objects. onlyInternals=all search from all internal objects, onlyInternals=users search only from internal users and onlyInternals=queues search only from internal queues.
- sourceType: (string)
Search one or more sourceTypes separated by comma (,). Possible values: User, Queue, null. Null means external directory entry which is not created from user or queue.
sourceType=User,Queue sourceType=User,null
- sourceId: (string)
Search with source id (user's or queue's id).
- errorIfLimitReached: (integer - default: 1)
By default if search returns too many results, so that limit is reached, then 400 Bad Request error is returned.
- limit: (integer - default: 1000)
Limit number of elements by specifying a limit value for the query
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of object
Items: entrys
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- type: required(one of Entry, Group)
- sourceId: (string)
- sourceType: (one of User, Queue, null)
- name: required(string)
- firstName: (string)
- lastName: (string)
- extensions: (object)
Phone and mobile numbers, e-mail address.
- extension: required(array of DpiExtension)
Items: DpiExtension
- type: required(one of Phone, Mobile, Email)
- address: required(string)
- extension: required(array of DpiExtension)
- status: (one of LoggedOut, Waiting, Chatting_Inbound, ...)
User's status if sourceType=User.
- capabilities: (object)
User's or queue's contact capabilities.
- capability: required(array of ContactCapability)
Items: ContactCapability
- type: required(one of Phone, Chat, Email, Task, TextChat, VideoChat, ...)
- capacity: required(number)
- inProcess: required(number)
- capability: required(array of ContactCapability)
- availability: (boolean)
If user is available for phone call or video chat, or if queue has agents serving.
- presence: (object)
User's current presence.
- id: required(string)
- name: required(string)
- type: required(one of PRESENCE, ABSENCE, CONFERENCE)
- availability: required(one of AWAY, TENTATIVE, FREE)
- queueStatus: (object)
- agentsServing: required(number)
- agentsFree: required(number)
- agentsBusy: required(number)
- agentsWrapUp: required(number)
- agentsNotReady: required(number)
- agentsPause: required(number)
- inQueue: required(number)
- waitingDurationMax: required(number)
- queueSettings: (object)
- servingAgentCriticalLevel: required(number)
- servingAgentWarningLevel: required(number)
- freeAgentCriticalLevel: required(number)
- freeAgentWarningLevel: required(number)
{ // loggedin user 1. Shown when onlyInternal criteria is all or users.
"id": "990556DC18244B4AB5BF35D75A89CDEF",
"type": "Entry", // Entry, Group
"sourceId": "F8C2697F37D044DB929B10F75381C620",
"sourceType": "User", // User or Queue
"name": "Fox, John",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Fox",
"extensions": {
"extension": [
"type": "Phone", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": "201"
"type": "Email", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"type": "Chat", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"status": "Ready", //User: LoggedOut, Pause NotReady, Ready
"capabilities": {
"capability": [
"type": "Task",
"capacity": 2,
"inProcess": 0
"type": "Phone",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 0
"type": "TextChat",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 0
"type": "VideoChat",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 0
"availability": true,
"presence": {
"id": "F8C2697F37D044DB929B10F75381C621",
"name": "Available",
"type": "PRESENCE",
"reason": "NONE",
"availability": "FREE"
{ // loggedin user 2, have active call. Shown when onlyInternal criteria is all or users.
"id": "F8C2697F37D044DB929B10F75381C624",
"type": "Entry", // Entry, Group
"sourceId": "FFF2697F37D044DB929B10F75381C623",
"sourceType": "User", // User or Queue
"name": "Fox, Jane",
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Fox",
"extensions": {
"extension": [
"type": "Phone", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": "202"
"type": "Email", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"type": "Chat", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"status": "Ready", //User: LoggedOut, Pause NotReady, Ready
"capabilities": { // Only when user status different from LoggedOut
"capability": [
"type": "Task",
"capacity": 2,
"inProcess": 0
"type": "Phone",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 1
"type": "TextChat",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 0
"type": "VideoChat",
"capacity": 1,
"inProcess": 0
"availability": false,
"presence": {
"id": "F8C2697F37D044DB929B10F75381C621",
"name": "Available",
"type": "PRESENCE",
"reason": "NONE",
"availability": "FREE"
{ // loggedout user. Shown when onlyInternal criteria is all or users.
"id": "881F79FB29AB496BB408B58DC573C349",
"type": "Entry", // Entry, Group
"sourceId": "E565844A26FC42BD80EC104EE97C7FAC",
"sourceType": "User", // User or Queue
"name": "Fox, Jill",
"firstName": "Jill",
"lastName": "Fox",
"extensions": {
"extension": [
"type": "Phone", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": "203"
"type": "Email", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"type": "Chat", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"status": "LoggedOut", //User: LoggedOut, Pause NotReady, Ready
"availability": false,
{ // queue. Shown when onlyInternal criteria is all or queues.
"id": "B890C478B22311D38FBE0090279A922E",
"type": "Entry", // Entry, Group
"sourceId": "E936C474B22311D38FBE0090279A922E",
"sourceType": "Queue", // User or Queue
"extensions": {
"extension": [
"type": "Phone", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": "300"
"capabilities": {
"capability": [
"type": "Phone" //Type of the queue: Phone, Email, Chat
"availability": true,
"queueSettings": {
"freeAgentCriticalLevel": 103,
"freeAgentWarningLevel": 104,
"servingAgentCriticalLevel": 101,
"servingAgentWarningLevel": 102
"queueStatus": {
"agentsBusy": 0,
"agentsFree": 0,
"agentsNotReady": 0,
"agentsPause": 0,
"agentsServing": 0,
"agentsWrapUp": 0,
"inQueue": 237,
"waitingDurationMax": 111001563012 // milliseconds
{ // directory entry group (could be public or private). Not shown if onlyInternal criteria used.
"id": "1E693109FE0044FC82F0C680E4ECDAAA",
"type": "Group", // Entry, Group
"name": "CCtr Users",
{ // directory entry group (could be public or private). Not shown if onlyInternal criteria used.
"id": "A8793FD768384DBEA2E44A9616AC9E30",
"type": "Group", // Entry, Group
"name": "CCtr Queues",
{ // directory entry group (could be public or private). Not shown if onlyInternal criteria used.
"id": "C37867C0DA3D4843A0FA71B39D84E707",
"type": "Group", // Entry, Group
"name": "Johns Private Group",
{ // directory entry, not internal user. Not shown if onlyInternal criteria used.
"id": "F3B4DC63D03942C38CE465AF63E0F0A4",
"type": "Entry", // Entry, Group
"name": "Smith, Jane",
"extensions": {
"extensions": {
"extension": [
"type": "Phone", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": "321564203"
"type": "Email", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
"type": "Chat", //Phone, Mobile, Email, Chat
"address": ""
HTTP status code 400
Bad Request
Media type: text/plain
Type: any
Invalid GUID: '2B8ED95B0EC911E79675005056A75D9'
post /entries
Add a new entry. Currently binary attributes are not supported. New entry is added to the given groups.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this entry: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2
- attrs: required(array of EntryAttribute)
Items: EntryAttribute
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
Master ID. Values can be fetched using /template resource.
- language: required(string)
Two letter language code like EN, FI.
- value: required(string)
Textual value.
- binary: required(string)
Base64 encoded binary value, for example image. value can contain the original file name in this case.
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- groups: required(array of Group)
Items: Group
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this group: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2, CREATE=4, DELETE=8, MANAGE_MEMBERS=0x80 Used only in /groups resource.
"attrs": [
"id": "10D9AF6DC16440928BCDA741BF748784",
"language": "EN",
"value": "Entry name"
"id": "9A55749A60F54F9CB0C8AEE662681E3E",
"language": "EN",
"value": ""
"groups": [
"id": "7418024D395347338BB1BC2483EE7983",
"name": "Directory group name"
HTTP status code 201
Returns the created id.
Media type: text/html
Type: any
Entity representing a entry.
Update the entry with id = {entryId}. Binary attributes are not currently supported.
Removes entry from the given group. If entry does not have any groups left, then it will be permanently deleted.
Get the entry with entryId = {entryId}.
put /entries/{entryId}
Update the entry with id = {entryId}. Binary attributes are not currently supported.
URI Parameters
- entryId: required(string)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this entry: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2
- attrs: required(array of EntryAttribute)
Items: EntryAttribute
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
Master ID. Values can be fetched using /template resource.
- language: required(string)
Two letter language code like EN, FI.
- value: required(string)
Textual value.
- binary: required(string)
Base64 encoded binary value, for example image. value can contain the original file name in this case.
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- groups: required(array of Group)
Items: Group
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this group: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2, CREATE=4, DELETE=8, MANAGE_MEMBERS=0x80 Used only in /groups resource.
"id": "A7D627C26A2A458A99D127C5E207A020",
"attrs": [
"id": "10D9AF6DC16440928BCDA741BF748784",
"language": "EN",
"value": "Entry name modified"
"id": "9A55749A60F54F9CB0C8AEE662681E3E",
"language": "EN",
"value": ""
HTTP status code 204
No content - The server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.
delete /entries/{entryId}
Removes entry from the given group. If entry does not have any groups left, then it will be permanently deleted.
URI Parameters
- entryId: required(string)
Query Parameters
- groupId: required(string)
User needs to have MANAGE_MEMBERS right to this group.
HTTP status code 204
No content - The server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.
get /entries/{entryId}
Get the entry with entryId = {entryId}.
URI Parameters
- entryId: required(string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this entry: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2
- attrs: required(array of EntryAttribute)
Items: EntryAttribute
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
Master ID. Values can be fetched using /template resource.
- language: required(string)
Two letter language code like EN, FI.
- value: required(string)
Textual value.
- binary: required(string)
Base64 encoded binary value, for example image. value can contain the original file name in this case.
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- groups: required(array of Group)
Items: Group
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this group: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2, CREATE=4, DELETE=8, MANAGE_MEMBERS=0x80 Used only in /groups resource.
"id": "A7D627C26A2A458A99D127C5E207A020",
"accessType": 3,
"attrs": [
"id": "10D9AF6DC16440928BCDA741BF748784",
"language": "EN",
"value": "Entry name"
"id": "9A55749A60F54F9CB0C8AEE662681E3E",
"language": "EN",
"value": ""
"groups": [
"id": "7418024D395347338BB1BC2483EE7983",
"name": "Directory group name"
HTTP status code 404
Not Found
Media type: text/plain
Type: any
HTTP 404 Not Found
Collection of groups.
Get a list of groups.
get /groups
Get a list of groups.
Query Parameters
- language: (string)
Define with a two-character code (ISO 639) the language to which the translatable values are translated. By default, logged-on user’s language is used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of object
Items: groups
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- accessType: (integer)
Combination of rights that the user has to this group: VIEW=1, MODIFY=2, CREATE=4, DELETE=8, MANAGE_MEMBERS=0x80 Used only in /groups resource.
"id": "49325A3754164AC0AA066BB2161B0E0F",
"name": "A directory group",
"accessType": 5
"id": "87EC5C19000F44F285842766FDADB3DA",
"name": "CCtr-queues",
"accessType": 7
"id": "7418024D395347338BB1BC2483EE7983",
"name": "A personal group where user can create new entries",
"accessType": 143
"id": "01847173EE7B441689AF95A91EF18892",
"name": "CCtr-users",
"accessType": 7
HTTP status code 400
Bad Request
Media type: text/plain
Type: any
Invalid GUID: '2B8ED95B0EC911E79675005056A75D9'
Entity representing a template.
Get the currently logged-in user's directory view template with containers and masters.
get /template
Get the currently logged-in user's directory view template with containers and masters.
Query Parameters
- language: (string)
Define with a two-character code (ISO 639) the language to which the translatable values are translated. By default, logged-on user’s language is used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- containers: required(array of TemplateContainer)
Items: TemplateContainer
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- type: required(integer)
1=search result list, 3=tab sheet.
- ordinal: required(integer)
View order.
- items: required(array of TemplateContainerItem)
Items: TemplateContainerItem
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- position: required(integer)
1=Left, 2=Right.
- ordinal: required(integer)
View order.
- elementType: required(integer)
1=Field, 2=List.
- rowSize: required(integer)
1 for fields, more for lists.
- width: required(integer)
Percentage like 60.
- searchEnabled: required(boolean)
If field is included in full text search.
- language: (string)
Optional two letter language code.
- masters: required(array of Master)
Items: Master
- id: required(string - minLength: 32 - maxLength: 32)
- name: required(string)
- type: required(integer)
0=none, 1=text, 2=email link, 3=hyperlink, 4=phone, 5=mobile phone, 6=file/binary, 7=presence, 8=return info, 9=language, 10=timediff, 11=timezone, 12=availability end time, 13=availability start time, 14=availability call forward, 15=availability profile name, 16=availability reason, 17=availability remarks, 18=profile name, 19=full name, 20=surname, 21=first name, 22=name, 23=queue name, 24=image link
- multilingual: required(boolean)
- builtIn: required(boolean)
- enumerated: required(integer)
none=0, single=1, multi=2
"id": "E209FA12E49D46C89E1CBDB188F31F16",
"name": "Advanced",
"containers": [
"id": "D10EACCA014B426788728F16225C3FBC",
"name": "Search Result List",
"type": 1,
"ordinal": 0,
"items": [
"id": "9FF1EE2AD3224D74AF006C5C33774E9B",
"position": 0,
"ordinal": 1,
"elementType": 0,
"rowSize": 1,
"width": 20,
"searchEnabled": false,
"language": "FI"
"id": "881B5A3EAE3D441F9538AE34EC3F0DBD",
"position": 0,
"ordinal": 2,
"elementType": 0,
"rowSize": 1,
"width": 17,
"searchEnabled": false,
"language": null
"id": "02302610CE78413CB62D5EF7A067A6A4",
"position": 0,
"ordinal": 3,
"elementType": 0,
"rowSize": 1,
"width": 7,
"searchEnabled": false,
"language": null
"id": "2CB46CE6E4F44116BC4B362744F084FD",
"position": 0,
"ordinal": 4,
"elementType": 0,
"rowSize": 1,
"width": 13,
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"language": null
"id": "3CBC7691226046808679218E107C00C3",
"position": 0,
"ordinal": 5,
"elementType": 0,
"rowSize": 1,
"width": 17,
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"language": null
"id": "D481552AA96D42C1B651419C25E9E107",
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"ordinal": 1,
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"id": "3E7DBE21552E466CA3019C5C9CDDC5AE",
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