Integration Interfaces

The following changes are made in the RESTful and integration interfaces.

Restful Configuration Interface (RCI)

  • You can now search users with specific certificates.
  • The following new fields are now available in the GET, PUT, and POST requests:
    • Phone queues: forwardNumber
    • Users: mobile, forwardNumber, title, and location

      When you update a user, all the fields need to be present. SCC-189, SCC-133, SCC-190

  • The copyFromId query parameter has been added for copying users or queues.
  • The /templateCompany resource has been added for creating several logical companies within a single system.

Restful Outbound Campaign Interface (OBI)

OBI has a resource to add list of customers to a campaign: /campaigns/{campaignId}/customers/list. To prevent performance issues, the recommended number of new customers in a single request is 100. Additionally, externalId is no longer mandatory when creating new customers. This affects also the POST requests of the previous version.

Communication Panel Third-Party Extension Messaging API

You can now define a Visible A Number for an outgoing phone call.