User-Verified Products

The user-verified category lists products that customers and partners have reported to be compatible with Sinch Contact Pro.

The information here is listed as received, and Sinch can't guarantee that the products work.

IP PBX and UC Systems

Table 1.
Product Manufacturer Comment

Alcatel OXE, Release 9.0,

Patch H1.301.34

Alcatel The PBX is connected to Sinch Contact Pro directly using SIP without any intermediate gateway. Tested with BCM 6 only.

Open Source


Settings in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf


dtmfmode = auto


compactheaders = no

Reload SIP channel with module reload in Asterisk CLI.

Disable PRACK (100rel) in Sinch Contact Pro

Alcatel-Lucent R9.1 –i1.605.-27
Alcatel-Lucent R9.1 –i1.605.-29
Alcatel-Lucent R9.1 –i1.605.-39-pl-c82
Alcatel-Lucent R10.0-j1.410-38-c-it-c0
Alcatel-Lucent R10.1-j2.603-13-f

SBC and WebRTC

Product Manufacturer Comment
Kamailio & RTPEngine OpenSource Kamailio latest version on Centos, RTPEngine & RTP packet forwarding in kernel module

Telecom Operator Provided SIP Trunks

Product Manufacturer
SIP trunk TDC Finland
SIP trunk TeliaSonera Finland
SIP trunk BT Germany
SIP trunk Verizon