Software Units

Customers, who subscribe Sinch Contact Pro, get the Sinch Contact Pro tenant provisioned. The installation of the software and the provisioning of tenant hardware is done by Sinch. The customer is responsible for the client hardware, cloud and PSTN connectivity and configuration of Sinch Contact Center (cloud version).

Customers, who buy Sinch Contact Pro licenses, get access to download the software. The delivery zip consists of the following type packages. The packages are introduced in Software Component Matrix.

  • Infrastructure Administrator (IA) MSI package. IA is the tool for installation and basic configuration of Sinch Contact Pro. It requires that the Java runtime software is installed on the workstation where it is run.

  • Application installation packages. These packages are installed with the IA tool on database, application and web servers according to the plan.

  • Client terminal MSI packages. To be able to use the actual telephony functions, the client terminal package must be installed on the user’s client workstation.

  • Additionally, third-party software and hardware are required. For software prerequisites, see Installation Guide. Supported hardware, such as gateways for the server system, and headsets for users, are listed in the Compatibility List .