For Email Channel


  1. Depending on whether you want to define the required agent function for all email conversations in your system or for a specific queue, go to

    • System Configurator > System Management > Channels > E-Mail Channel > E-Mail Settings


    • System Configurator > Queue Management > Queues > [email queue] > E-Mail Settings

  2. For the setting Use Required Agent Instead of Preferred Agent choose On.

  3. Make sure that the setting Preferred Agent is also enabled. Otherwise the required agent function doesn't work.

  4. Define the expiry time either in channel or queue settings.

    Table 1.
    Setting Description

    Default Expiry Time for Required Agent

    Define how long the required agent requirement is valid. After the required agent requriment has expired, the conversation can also be allocated to other agents. The default value is 1 week.

  5. If you want that other Communication Panel agents can pick the email that has a required agent requirement, select the setting Allow Picking by Other Communication Panel Agents.


In systems, where tasks arrive to the email queue from the Restful Task Management Interface (RTI) or Task Management Interface (TMI) interface, you can define a required agent for the task, and a waiting time for this requirement. If the required agent is defined for the task, only the defined agent can receive the task. After the expiry time, the task is available for all agents in the queue.

The required agent is defined in the RTI/TMI interface. The tasks can be TMI tasks (type TASK), CP tasks (type XRI), e-mails (type EMAIL) or action items (type ACTION), the queue can be defined either by GUID or name, or email address, and the agent either by GUID, or user name. For more information, see the Sinch Contact Pro Task Management Interface document.

  1. Go to System Configurator > Queue Management > Queues > [email queue] > E-Mail Settings
  2. For the setting Use Required Agent Instead of Preferred Agent choose On.

    If this is not enabled, the required agent for a task is considered a preferred agent.

  3. Define the expiry time either in channel or queue settings.
    Table 2.
    Setting Description

    Default Expiry Time for Required Agent

    Define how long the required agent requirement is valid. After the required agent requriment has expired, the conversation can also be allocated to other agents. The default value is 1 week.