Contact Types

The following contact types can be monitored in the Contact View, and they can be used as filters in Search. Some contact types are written in two ways in the table: the longer version is used in the drop-down list and the shorter in the search results.

Contact Type



All contacts

All Calls

In, In (Forwarded), Out

All In

In, In (Forwarded)

All Out


Call In

Inbound calls

These calls do not include calls transferred by the system, nor consultation calls made during calls.

Cons. Calls In, Cons In

Inbound consultation calls made during calls

Forwarded Calls In, Forwarded

Inbound calls that are forwarded by the system to another application or external number

Call Out

Outbound calls

These calls do not include consultation calls made during a call.

Cons. Calls Out, Cons Out

Outbound consultation calls

OB Calls

Calls made in an outbound call campaign




Dynamic IVR application contacts

Chats In

All types of inbound chat contacts

E-Mails All

All inbound and outbound e-mails

E-Mails In

Inbound e-mails

E-Mails Out

Outbound e-mails


SMS contacts

Callback Requests, CBR

Callback requests made in the system

Callbacks, CBR Out

Outbound calls based on callback requests

Callback Internal, CBR Inter

Internal calls for callback


Calls with Multiterminal Desktop mode

Chat In Text

Inbound text chats

Chat In Video

Inbound video chats

Chat In SMS

Inbound SMS chats

This means chat contacts generated from SMS messaging.

Chat In Facebook

Inbound Facebook chat

This means chat contacts generated from Facebook Messenger.

Chat In WhatsApp

Inbound WhatsApp chat

This means chat contacts generated from WhatsApp messaging.

Chat In WeChat

Inbound WeChat chat

This means chat contacts generated from WeChat messaging.

Chat Out Facebook

Outbound Facebook Messenger chats

Chat Out SMS

Outbound SMS chats

Chat Out Text

Outbound text chats

Chat Out WhatsApp

Outbound WhatsApp chats

Chat Out WeChat

Outbound WeChat chats