Defining Prompts for Disruption Items

For the audio needed for each Disruption Item in the IVR, you can use either a recorded audio prompt or dynamic prompts generated by the IVRTalk component. If you want to use recorded audio prompts, specify their IDs in PromptId or PromptExternalId fields in the import file. If a value is defined for the PromptId field, the system uses it to fetch the prompt for the Disruption Item. If a prompt is not found with the given ID, the system gives an error.

If a value is not defined for the PromptId field, the system uses the value of the PromptExternalId field to fetch the prompt. If a prompt is not found, the system gives an error. If also PromptExternalId is empty, the system continues without a prompt. If both fields are empty, make sure the necessary values for say-as attributes are given for using IVRTalk. Otherwise, no audio will be available.

If you want to use IVRTalk instead of recorded prompts for Disruption Items, make sure the following fields have correct values in the file:


Must be a number.


Must be one of the following:

  • 0: Masculine
  • 1: Feminine
  • 2: Neuter

Must be one of the following:

  • 0: Nominative
  • 1: Genitive

Must be one of the following: number, digits, ordinal, date, time, datetime.