Assigning Roles
You use this procedure to add roles to user accounts.
For information about the creation of roles, see Managing Roles.
You can assign roles in two ways:
In the Users view
In the User Roles view
You must have rights to create users or to modify the user’s settings.
You must have rights to manage members of the role to which you want to assign users.
You must have rights to view roles.
In the Users view:
On the System Configurator main screen, choose
. -
Search for the user to whom you want to assign a role.
The search result list appears.
Choose the user by double-clicking it.
Choose Roles.
Choose Add.
A dialog box appears.
Enter your search criteria and choose Search.
The search result list appears.
Click on the correct role or roles and choose Add.
Choose Close.
Save your entries.
In the User Roles view:
On the System Configurator main screen, choose
. -
Search for the role you want to assign for the user.
The search result list appears.
Choose the role by double-clicking it.
Choose Members.
Choose Add.
A dialog box appears.
Enter your search criteria and choose Search.
The search result list appears.
Click on the correct user or user group and choose Add.
Choose Close.
Save your entries.