Using External Agent Function


This procedure describes how you use the external agent function.


Note the following:

  • If you serve in queues as an external agent and log off from the queues, you also stop receiving calls made to your extension number.

  • If you use the external agent function for receiving personal calls only and you do not serve in any queues, you must activate the external agent function either:

    • Via IVR by choosing the option to log on to queues

    • Via CDT by selecting Log On

      The external agent function is activated immediately.

    • Via CDT by selecting Ext. Agent when Logged Off

      The external agent function is activated when you log off from CDT.


  • The external agent function must be enabled.

  • You must have an external agent number.

  • If you serve in queues as an external agent, you must have rights to serve in these queues.


Activating the Function via CDT

  1. Choose

    CDT > Tools > Settings > Phone > Advanced > External Agent.

  2. If the external agent number is not defined, enter it into the External No. field.

  3. Select Log On.

    CDT closes and you start receiving calls to your external agent number.

Activating the Function via IVR

  1. Call the IVR number.

    The administrators give you the number of the IVR application. You can call the IVR application either from your current external agent number or another external number. In both cases, you must have an existing external agent number so that the IVR application is able to recognize you. If you call from another external number, you are first asked to enter your external agent number.

    You are asked to give your PIN code. The administrators define the PIN code but you can also define it in CDT > Tools > Settings > Personal > General > PIN Code.

  2. Enter your PIN code and press the pound (#) key.

    Your current status is played to you first: you are either serving as an external agent or you are not serving as an external agent. Then you hear a list of options.

  3. Choose the log on to voice queues option:

    After this, you hear a confirmation message.

  4. To exit the IVR application, press the pound (#) key, choose the log off option, or hang up.

Deactivating the Function

You stop receiving calls to your external agent number in the following ways:

  • Call to the IVR application and choose the logoff option.

  • Log on to CDT.

Receiving Calls as External Agent

When the function is activated, queue calls and calls to your extension number are forwarded to your external agent number.


The administrators can define that when you are offered a call, a prompt is played, and you are asked to accept the call: This is a call from a queue. Accept with the pound key. If this setting is enabled, it also applies to personal calls.