User Rights and Roles

The roles that has rights to the emergency location feature are: System Administrator, Emergency Admin, and Emergency User.

Role Object Access Level
System Administrator Emergency Service View and modify
Emergency Admin, Emergency User Common Emergency Location and Emergency Admin: view, modify, create, and delete

Emergency User: view

Emergency Admin Custom Emergency Location View, modify, create, and delete
Emergency Admin User's Emergency Location View, modify, create, and delete
Emergency User User's Active Emergency Location View, modify, create, and delete
Emergency User User's Own Emergency Location View, modify, create, and delete

The System Administrator role has rights to manage the emergency location feature and assign the Emergency Admin role to the user group responsible for creating emergency locations in Dashboard and is also able to configure the system-level emergency settings in System Configurator > System Services > Emergency Location Settings.

The Emergency User role should be assigned to a user group that uses Communication Panel. Members in this group can view and choose the locations created in Dashboard and create emergency locations of their own.

  1. Choose User and Role Management > User Groups.

    If you don't have user group for these roles, create them according to the instruction in the System Configurator (SC) document.

  2. Choose the group by double-clicking it.
  3. Choose Roles and click Add.
  4. Search for the Emergency Admin role for the admin user group and the Emergency User role for the agent user group.
  5. Click Add and Close.
  6. Save the user group.