Client Bandwidth Requirements

To ensure network connectivity for Sinch Contact Pro, we recommend that your network meets the following requirements:

  • For voice channel use, the minimum recommended bandwidth is 120 kbits/s per call. This number contains two-way voice streams, call signalling and Sinch Contact Pro user interface traffic. Other business applications, such as CRM, will also reserve bandwidth, which you should take into account.
  • Connections to Sinch Contact Pro should be stable, and latency and jitter should be kept low.
    • Latency should be 150ms or less as higher value than 150ms will affect call quality.
    • Jitter should be below 30ms as anything higher than 30ms will affect call quality.
  • VOIP/RTP traffic should be prioritized in the customer network. Gold traffic class is recommended.
  • Bypass proxy and VPN to avoid extra loop for RTP traffic

For agents using only email or chat, less bandwidth is required as the channels are not real time.

The table below shows examples of bandwidth requirements for voice channel. This information is required when connecting your trunk or phone gateway to cloud service. The examples use 120 kbits/s bandwidth and are based on the following:

30 * 120 / 1000 = 3,60 Mbps

Table 1. Examples for voice channel
Concurrent calls Capacity required mbps
30 3,60
60 7,20
90 10,80
120 14,40
150 18,00
180 21,60
210 25,20
240 28,80
270 32,40
300 36,00