Connection Timeout in Challenging Network Environment

Short network disconnections that are accepted and occur frequently in some environments may cause unnecessary connection failures in Sinch Contact Pro. Therefore additional registry parameters have been added to the CEM server for the support of IpcConnectionTimeout, IpcHeartbeatInterval, IpcConnectionRetryTime, and IpcWorkerThreadPriority.


Timeout in seconds for determining silent loss and connect establishment. The higher the value is set, the longer connection breaks can be tolerated, but the availability of the system may be compromised. The default value is 10 seconds; do not set the value smaller than that. In environments where connections are continuously lost due to the LibIpc silent loss timeout the value can be set to 15-30. Enter the parameter under the registry key of the module. Type of the registry key can be string or DWORD.

  • The parameter must be set for both directions, for example for CEM-CD connection it must be set both in CEM and CD.

  • After setting the parameter value, the CEM server and all other servers but Agent Server and Connection Server must be restarted before parameter values take effect.

Other Parameters

The other parameters are related to the previous one but only to be used in internal testing, do not change the values:

  • IpcHeartbeatInterval: Interval in seconds. Heartbeats are sent only when no other messages have been sent recently. The default value is 3 seconds.

  • IpcConnectionRetryTime: Time in seconds waited between connection retries. The default value is 5 seconds.

  • IpcWorkerThreadPriority: Defines dynamic base priority of TCP communication threads.


    Do not change this value without further information.