Emergency User

Emergency user can be used in case administrators have lost their passwords, or if administrator users have been removed, or if administrator users rights have been changed so that they cannot perform administrative tasks anymore. In this case, database administrator may setup the emergency user that has direct administrator rights to all necessary objects but no roles. Emergency user should be used for reverting or setting up new administrator users. After Emergency User has been used, it should be removed from the system. Deleting emergency user will automatically remove all rights (since only direct rights are used). Installing of emergency user does not alter any of system roles.

The script BCM_DB_Emergency_User.sql can be found in Configuration Database package. Executing the script creates the emergency user with the following definitions:

  • User’s first name: Emergency

  • User’s last name: User

  • Login name: Emergency.User

  • Initial password: 12345678. User is forced to change this by first logon.