Dump File Folders

Dump files can also be useful when troubleshooting.

Sinch Contact Pro dump files

Sinch Contact Pro components can create dump (.dmp) files. These files can help solve issues so you may be asked to include them in your support ticket.

The dump files are written to the virtual unit’s log folder. The folder is defined during virtual unit installation with the variable Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit (VU_LOG_PATH).

Note: Only five dumps are kept in the folder so you should move or delete old dump files.

Operating system dump files

Microsoft operating system performs dump reporting if there is an application crash. These dump reports can be found useful when investigating this type of issues. For more information about this feature, see Microsoft page Collecting User-Mode Dumps.

Note: The feature may be disabled by default in your environment.

Alternative you can collect dump file from Task Manager by right-clicking component and select dump option. For more information about this feature, see Microsoft page Task Manager live memory dump.