Communication Destinations (Integration Interfaces)

Sinch Contact Pro provides additional web service interfaces that can be taken into use by installing the corresponding package, Integration Interfaces for Online Integration Interface (OII), Restful Interfaces (RI) or Quality Management Server (QMI), on the server and defining the installation variables in the Infrastructure Administrator (IA) tool. We recommend installing only the services that are needed for the Contact Center operations. These web services are designed to be used in server-to-server communications in server network, therefore we recommend to block traffic to these interfaces from client network. Special care needs to be taken when designing the usage of these interfaces since the traffic may contain person-related or sensitive business data.

For more information on installation and module configuration, see the Installation Guide and Infrastructure Administrator Application Help.



Authentication, Authorization and Encryption


Restful Interfaces (RI)

Web Service

The authentication of RI consumer and encryption of the network traffic can be achieved using SSL. This must be enabled in Infrastructure Administrator (IA). The interface uses Sinch Contact Pro users with dedicated rights for all functions of the interface.Restful interface provides access to different kind of data in the Sinch Contact Pro system, for example, you can add and control callbacks or manage users via a Restful Interface. For all possibilities, see API documentation.

Online Integration Interface (OII)

Web Service

The authentication of OII consumer and encryption of the network traffic can be achieved using SSL, that must be enabled on the web server. The interface uses impersonated users for all functions of the interface.

OII implements two types of internal server connections:

  • OII has direct connection towards database. An individual database user can be configured for database access and authorization of this user can be enforced on database level. Encryption of the database traffic is also possible.

  • OII takes internal server connection towards Agent Server. This connection can be encrypted and authenticated using TLS.

OII interface is used for integration towards SAP CRM system. The interface maintains online connection between CRM clients and Sinch Contact Pro clients. Both client connections are authenticated and terminated on the server. Client connections needs to be established before data can be exchanged between the server. User connections are impersonated and carried inside the shared service channel between OII and ICI web service interfaces. This communication happens inside the server network.

Quality Management Interface (QMI)

Web Service

The authentication of QMI consumer (Quality Management system) and encryption of the network traffic can be achieved using SSL. Secure sockets usage and certificates for the connection must be enabled on the QMI server and on the consumer end. Consumer will get all necessary information for quality management purposes based on subscription made by the consumer.

QMI has direct connection towards the Call Dispatcher (CD) module. This connection can also be secured and authenticated using a certificate different from the one used by external QMI connection. Filtering mechanism can be applied for suppressing of unused events. Although filtering is not actual security measure it can effectively limit the data sending to the necessary minimum.

QMI interface is used for integration towards external Quality Management system.

QMI is designed for server to server usage and users inside both systems are impersonated inside this service channel.