Agents' Active Contacts

To open the Agents' Active Contacts view, click the Agents button in the toolbar. You need the contact summary right to the agents you want to view.

In this view, you can:

  • View agents and their active contacts.

    The number of simultaneous active chat contacts depends on the System Configurator settings User/User Template > Contact Settings > Maximum Number of Chat Sessions and Queues > Contact Management > Busy During Wrap-Up.

  • View a contact’s details by clicking the Row number of the contact. Clickable row numbers only appear for active contacts so select Show Only Agents with Active Contacts if necessary.

  • Start supervising an agent by clicking the agent’s name in the view. You must have supervising rights, and the CDT must be open. For more information, see Supervising.

Searching and Filtering Displayed Agents

The number of agents displayed in the view can be set in the Tools > Settings > UI Settings > Max Number of Displayed Agents, see User Interface Settings. If the number of displayed agents is very small, make sure you filter and sort the agents in appropriate way so that you see the agents you are really interested in.

To search and filter the displayed contact information, use the following settings:

  • Group: Select a reporting group you want to view, or All to view all groups.

  • Presence: To view agents with a certain profile, select the profile of all profiles in the system. Added in SP08: The default Presence value can be defined in System Configurator Reporting > Statistic Settings > Monitoring Settings.

  • Sort Agents by: Display agents in the alphabetical order of their names, or chronological order of their status time stamps. To sort them in descending order, select the Descending checkbox, and for ascending order, remove the selection.

  • Show Pending E-Mails: With this option, pending e-mails are included in the displayed contacts.

  • Show Only Agents with Active Contacts: With this option, only the agents that have currently active contacts are displayed in the agent list.

  • Auto Refresh: With this option, the view is updated automatically as often as set in the option Tools > Settings > UI Settings > Refresh Interval in seconds, see User Interface Settings. If this option is not selected, click Update to update the view manually.

Rows and Columns

The agent row shows the agent name, number, status, profile and last status change time stamp, the possible values are listed below.

When the number of displayed agents is set to be smaller than the number of agents that the search results, the message Max. Number of Displayed Agents: (x) is displayed.

Table 1. Agent Row Columns



Name and number

The agent’s name and phone number. If you have the supervisor rights to the agent, the name and number is a link to the CDT supervisor tool. Note that the CDT must be open as well.


Status of the agent:

  • Logged Off: The agent is not logged on.

  • Not Ready: The agent is logged on but busy with other tasks.

  • Pause: The agent has an active absence profile.

  • Ready: The agent is ready to handle contacts.


The agent’s profile.

Time stamp

The agent’s last status change time stamp. The time stamp is shown as hhmmss format, and the tooltip shows time with date and time format.

Table 2. Contact Row Columns




The row number. Clicking the row number opens the Contact Details view, if you have contact detail rights to corresponding agent, queue, or campaign.

Contact Type

One of the Contact Types.


Status of the contact: Preview/In Process/Wrap-Up/Pending.

From and To

The system determines the sender and recipient of the contact based on the number or address. Instead of name, the following values may appear:

  • Empty when the address is invalid.

  • {Protected} when the address is protected.

  • Hyphen - when you do not have contact detail rights to the agent when contact is an internal contact, or to the queue when the contact is a queue contact.

  • Campaign name when the contact is a campaign contact, and you have contact detail rights to the queue or campaign. When the campaign name is shown, the tooltip shows the queue name and address as it is in the database.

  • Agent or queue name when the address is an internal address and you have contact detail rights to the agent or queue.

  • Address with hidden numbers when the address is not an internal address, or is the agent’s mobile number and the Hide Last Digits of Users Mobile Phone Numbers option is set in System Configurator.

The tooltip displays the value as it is saved in the database.

Arrival Time

The arrival time of the contact. When the arrival time is not in the current day the star is shown after the time. The tooltip shows the time with date-and-time format.

Connection Time

The connection time of the contact. When the connection time is not in the current day the star is shown after the time. The tooltip shows the time with date-and-time format.

Disconnection Time

The disconnection time of the contact. When the disconnection time is not in the current day the star is shown after the time. The tooltip shows the time in the date-and-time format.

Waiting Time

The time between arrival and connection times, except when the contact is a campaign contact and preview time is set. Then the waiting time is the difference of preview time and arrival time.

When the waiting time is more than 96 hours, it is shown as > x days where x is the number of days.

Talking Time

The time between the connection and disconnection times.

Wrap-Up Time

The time the agent uses for finishing the task.

Total Time

The total length of the contact (the time between the arrival time and end of wrap-up time). The last related event defines the ending time. It can be the disconnection time or the wrap-up ending time.