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You can use the event-driven integration (EDI) framework for integrating Sinch Contact Pro with web services both externally and inside the system.
You follow this procedure to configure integrations using the event-driven integrations framework.
In the table, you'll find the basic building blocks available for configuring your request.
If you are adding an integration that also needs to return a response to Sinch Contact Pro, you can find the options for configuring how the JSON response is handled in the tables below.
In this example, we'll fetch customer data from an external system that can be, for example, a customer data platform (CDP) or customer relationship management (CRM) system.
In this example, we'll listen to conversation lifecycle events and receive conversation data from Sinch Contact Pro by using a webhook.
In this example, we'll route a conversation based on the following data:
In this example, we'll send a customer a satisfaction survey after a WhatsApp conversation is over.
In these examples, we'll fetch customer data from an external RESTful web service and set a preferred / required agent, queue, or priority based on a condition applied to the data.
In this example, we'll use ChatGPT to analyze an email message, suggest a draft reply, and save the result so the agent can see it in Communication Panel.
To check what your configuration returns, you can add debugging data in the configuration to be shown in Communication Panel's extension area as conversation attached data (CAD) .