External Agent Function

The external agent function allows users to accept queue calls and calls to their extension number without being logged on to CDT or Convergence. The setting Ext. no. (PRS) in the earlier versions is now part of the external agent function.

When external agents receive calls to their extension number, CDT and Convergence users see these agents as busy. This is useful especially to switchboard operators.

System Configuration in SC

To configure the external agent service, do the following in System Services > External Agent Settings:

  1. Define the system-wide basic settings.

    You can configure the basic external agent settings also at the queue level (Queue Management > Queues > External Agent.

  2. Enter the External Agent IVR Number.

User Configuration in SC

To configure this function for users, do the following in User and Role Management:

  1. Enter an extension number .

  2. Define a PIN code.

  3. Choose a role that has the External Agent and MTD setting enabled (in User Rights > User Service).

  4. If the users are going to be serving in queues as external agents, give them queue rights.

  5. Activate the external agent setting in Queue and External Agent Settings by selecting the option Active as External Agent for the applicable queues and enter the external agent number.

    This assignment block shows the queues to which the users have rights.

    If the users use the external agent function only to receive calls that are made to their extension number, leave the queue selections empty. In this case, enter the external agent number and select Serve in Queues as External Agent when Logged Off.

Starting to Serve in Queues as External Agent

The users start using the external agent function in the following ways:

  • CDT:

    They manually choose Log On or Ext. Agent when Logged Off in the external agent settings of CDT.

  • IVR:

    Users call to the external agent IVR, enter their PIN code and log on to the queues.

  • SC:

    Administrators can define that when users log off from CDT, the external agent function is enabled automatically (User and Role Management > Users > Queue and External Agent Settings > Serve in Queues as External Agent when Logged Off).

  • Online Monitoring:

    Managers and supervisors (that is, users with rights to use Online Monitoring and to supervise other users) can log user on as external agent with the Ext setting in the Agents View. The external agent number must be defined for the users. Otherwise the Ext setting is disabled.

When agents reject a queue call, they will go to the not-ready status. Define the time they remain as Not Ready in System Services > External Agent Settings > Time Added to External Agent's Last Connection Time.

Settings in Different Applications

The external agent settings are available in different applications. The table below describes the external agent settings in these applications.




Online Monitoring


To give rights for a user, user role, or user group for external agent function:

This setting is a prerequisite that the external agent function can be enabled for a user.

Choose both External Agent and MTD in User and Role Management > Users/User Roles/User Groups > User Rights > Type: User Service.


If you have earlier chosen only External Agent, and add the MTD right later on, the agent must log off from the external agent function, and log on again to apply the MTD right.




To enable the external agent function:

These settings enable the external agent function. Users can serve in the specified queues as an external agent and receive calls made to their extension number.

Active as External Agent in User and Role Management > Users > Queue and External Agent Settings

Enabled in Tools > Settings > Phone > Advanced Settings > External Agent

Serve as Ext. Agent in Agent View (in the popup menu that appears when you click the agent cell in the queue column)


To activate the external agent function (serving as an external agent starts when CDT is closed):

The users start receiving calls as an external agent automatically when they have logged off from CDT.

Serve in Queues as External Agent when Logged Off in User and Role Management > Users > Queue and External Agent Settings

Ext. Agent when Logged Off in Tools > Settings > Phone > Advanced Settings > External Agent



To activate the external agent function (serving as an external agent starts immediately):

CDT closes and users start receiving calls as an external agent immediately.


Log On in Tools > Settings > Phone > Advanced Settings > External Agent

The Ext column in Agent View

Users call to the external agent IVR, enter their PIN code and log on to the queues.