Binding Certificate to Secured Service


The Connection Server instance must be configured to use a certificate, for other components it is optional. Required certificate information has three parts:

Certificate Common Name: Common Name part of the Certificate Subject, Issued To.

Certificate Issuer: certificate issuer Name, Issued By

Certificate Store: certificate store location, typically the default value can be used.


  1. If the service instance is in use, stop it with the IA tool.

  2. For HAC-HAC and IA-HAC connections: In IA, choose the Deployment Variables block of the HAC node, and enter the certificate information in appropriate variable fields.

    For Connection Server and optional other client-server connections: In IA, choose Software element of the virtual unit where the secured component is or is going to be installed, and enter the certificate information in appropriate variable fields.

    For Internal Server Certificates: In IA, choose Software element of the virtual unit where the first peer server is or is going to be installed, select the option Internal Server Certificate in Use and enter the certificate information in the fields Internal Server Certificate Common Name, Internal Server Certificate Issuer, and Internal Server Certificate Store.

  3. (Re)start the instance.