Batch Job Server Variables

Batch Job Server (BJS) installation variables are:

Table 1. 2



Use Windows Authentication for Database Connections

Specify whether Windows authentication should be used for database connections. The selection is on by default, and we recommend using it. With Windows authentication, you can leave database password fields empty. If you deselect the option, SQL logon is used, and you must enter database user name and password for each database connection, and they are saved in registry and log files as plain text.

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Software running in the virtual unit uses this directory for their log files.

Configuration Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Directory Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Directory Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Directory Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Directory Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Customer Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Reporting Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Reporting Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Reporting Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Monitoring Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Monitoring Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Monitoring Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Monitoring Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

SAP BusinessObjects Server

To enable creating user accounts for Sinch Contact Pro Reporting for BusinessObjects users, define the name and port of your SAP BusinessObjects server. The default port value is 6400, separate the port value from the name with a colon. For example: SAPBOServer:6400.

Added in 1611.

SAP BusinessObjects Administrator Account Login Name

To enable that Sinch Contact Pro can create user accounts on BusinessObjects system via the connection defined above, define the administrator account login name.

Added in 1611.

SAP BusinessObjects Administrator Account Password

To enable that Sinch Contact Pro can create user accounts on BusinessObjects system via the connection defined above, define the administrator account password.

Added in 1611.

Billing Settings

These settings are used for storing records for billing purposes and apply only to the Sinch Contact Pro cloud version.

Customer Identification

Enter the customer ID created by SDI.

Tenant Identification

Enter the tenant ID created during tenant provisioning.

Tenant Description

Enter a description for the tenant.

Billing API URI

Enter the endpoint of the Contact Center billing API in AWS.

This is the Invoke URL and is of format:


Billing API Key

For authentication, enter the access key of the Contact Center billing API in AWS.