Reporting Database Server Variables

Reporting Database Server Variables

Note: Install all database virtual units, also the one with Reporting Database Server, before other virtual units. The variables Reporting Database Name and Reporting Database DSArea must be defined before operative VUs are installed.



Use Windows Authentication for Database Connections

Specify whether Windows authentication should be used for database connections. The selection is on by default, and we recommend using it. With Windows authentication, you can leave database password fields empty. If you de select the option, SQL logon is used, and you must enter database user name and password for each database connection, and they are saved in registry and log files as plain text.

If you enter Reporting Database Password while having this option selected, the password is ignored. (Added in SP06 Patch 1)

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Software running in the virtual unit uses this directory for their log files

Customer Name

Customer name is informative field for administration user interface. Name is used as prefix for naming databases VWU and DSArea.

Maintenance Address or Name of the Database Server for Reporting Database

This address should be available when applying the changes to the host. Typically this is the database server’s physical address.

Reporting Database Server Address or Name

The name of the Reporting Database Server. The default value is the same as the maintenance address of the server.

Reporting Database Name

Use the default name that is formed from Customer Name with the postfix _VWU. Added in 1711.

Reporting Database DSArea

Use the default name that is formed from Customer Name with the postfix _DSArea. Added in 1711.

Reporting Database User Name

When Windows authentication is used, enter here the domain account in format domain\user that is used to access databases. When Windows authentication is not used, enter the SQL logon name.

As of SP09, gMSA account can be used.

Reporting Database Password

When Windows authentication, or a gMSA account is used, leave this field empty.

Note: Information in this field will be visible in plain text in some files and in Windows registry.

Analysis Server Address or Name

This address should be available when retrieving data for reporting. Typically this is the analysis server’s physical address. For Microsoft Reporting Services only.

If you use the SAP BusinessObjects reporting only, leave this field empty.

OLAP Database Name on Analysis Services

Name of the OLAP database on Analysis Services. For Microsoft Reporting Services only. If you use the SAP BusinessObjects reporting only, leave this field empty.

Configuration Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Operative Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Outbound Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Starting Year of Time Dimension Data

(Former Starting Year of Time Dimension in OLAP)

Define the year when the time statistics start. The default value is 2017.

Text and default value changed in 1708.

Collect Statistics for 'Reporting Data Interface'

Enable collecting data for Reporting Data Interface (RDI) integration interface.

Microsoft Reporting Services in Use

Enable using Sinch Contact Pro Reporting with Microsoft Reporting Services.

  • If you use Microsoft Reporting Services, make sure this option is selected. When the option is selected the OLAP Database is installed and OLAP-related SQL jobs are created.
  • If you use the SAP BusinessObjects reporting only, remove the selection to simplify installation and maintenance of reporting databases.

Removing the selection after installation does not remove OLAP database and related SQL steps but you must remove them manually with SQL Management Studio. Remove the following steps:

  • SQL Job XXX: Reporting OLAP database management
  • SQL Steps for XXX: Reporting Data Transformation Process OLAP related steps not needed (by default steps from 2 to 6).

Added in 1708.

Include All Contacts in Reporting for Billing

Forces all contacts to be reported. Overrides the settings in System Configurator > Reporting Management > Statistics Settings > Application Reporting. If you select this setting and later remove the selection, the billing components are removed from the database and the system follows the Application Reporting settings.

This variable is only for the cloud version ofSinch Contact Pro.

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Software running in the virtual unit uses this directory for their log files

Default Time Zone

Choose the default time zone from the list.

Default Language

Choose the default language used in reporting statistics of any agent, queue, outbound campaign, as reporting can be done in one language only. Reporting UI uses the language selected in Internet Explorer, and if that is not available, English is used.

Reporting Data Retention Time in Years

Define how long time reporting data is saved; enter number of whole years before the current year, the value can be from 1 to 15. If the value Not Set is selected, data cleanup is not in use. The default value is Not Set.

Added in 1711.