Setrecordingconsent Element

The setrecordingconsent element is used in the custom IVR where the customer is asked if they give their consent to record voice calls. Consent information can be saved in the database. Then it returns the call to the queue. The element is specific to Sinch Contact Pro , and appear in the VoiceXML document with the prefix bcm:.

The setrecordingconsent element can be nested in the following parent elements: block, if, noinput, nomatch, vxml. It cannot have child elements.

Table 1. Element Attributes

Attributes of setrecordingconsent Element


Consent Expression

Define with a Python expression the customer consent value.

If you are using the Consent IVR template provided, use ConsentMenu to get the customer consent value.

Save Consent Value in Database

To save the given consent value in the database, select the checkbox.


Get a custom IVR Example_Recording_Consent_IVR.xml by contacting Sinch. Importing the example IVR results in errors of the missing audio prompts in audio elements, create those before implementing the IVR. For more information on example IVR, see Consent IVRs.