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This document describes how Sinch Contact Pro handles error situations and suggest ways to make your contact center work its best.
This section describes how Sinch Contact Pro behaves if an agent loses network connection while handling conversations.
Sinch Contact Pro has a built-in mechanism to prevent losing ongoing chat conversations in case of service interruption.
Although Sinch Contact Pro is by default designed to route conversations equally to all agents, you can direct the conversation to the agent who was handling the conversation previously.
Attached data is a feature in Sinch Contact Pro that enables you to add and process attached data within all channels: voice, email and chat.
Let's say you want your service center, such as the service desk, to see how customer conversations are handled. The aim is to see quickly how many conversations are queuing and if there are enough serving agents.
If your system has Restful Interfaces installed and enabled, you can control objects, such as queues, users, and conversations, via APIs.