For Emails

The Preferred Agent setting is enabled by default but you can define the time how long the system waits for the preferred agent:

  1. Depending on whether you want to define the time for all email conversations in your system or for a specific queue, go to

    • System Configurator > System Management > Channels > E-Mail Channel > E-Mail Settings


    • System Configurator > Queue Management > Queues > [email queue] > E-Mail Settings

  2. Define the waiting time.

    Table 1.
    Setting Description
    Time Limit for Accepting E-Mails

    Define the time an agent has to accept allocated conversations from the email channel. If the agent does not accept within the time limit, the conversation is returned to the queue. If you change the value, it does not affect conversations that have been already allocated.

    Values are as follows:
    • 0 = not in use
    • 1 = a week

      This is the default value.

    • Other numeric values are interpreted as seconds.

    The time limit value is based on a schedule time. For example, if the limit value is 1 week and the queue is open from 09:00 to 17:00, the limit is not reached after 1 week because the time the queue is closed is not calculated into the limit value.

    In advanced use, the parameter can also refer to an external SOAP, COM or Python call. For more information, contact Sinch.

  3. If you want to disable the preferred agent function, use 0 in the Preferred Agent setting in channel or queue settings.

  4. If you want that other Communication Panel agents can pick the email that has a required agent requirement, select the setting Allow Picking by Other Communication Panel Agents.

Allocation of preferred agent emails

When an email has a preferred agent, the email is allocated to the agent even if the agent:
  • isn't serving in the queue from which the email is being allocated
  • has the Not Ready status
  • has an absence profile active
  • is serving in a campaign

Note that when an agent rejects or transfers an email to a queue or to another agent, the preferred agent information is removed.