Defining Settings for SAP Service Cloud (C4C) Integration

Communication Desktop (CDT), Embedded Communication Framework (ECF) and Communication Panel can be integrated with SAP Service Cloud (C4C) user interfaces.

With this procedure you enable integration for the users that are linked to this specific user settings template. To define it for a queue, see Configuring Integration Settings.

In this procedure, you define the URLs so that the SAP CRM OnDemand screen appears when there are direct and queue calls. The following dynamic information is added to the URL:

  • CID: Identification code value

  • DNIS: Dialed Number Identification Service

  • ANI: Telephone number of the caller

  • ExternalReferenceID: Call ID

Additionally, if there are any call attached data custom parameter values (for example, via a Customer Recognition IVR application), they are included as such at the end of the URL.


The following URL contains the added information:


  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose User and Role Management > User Settings Template.
  2. To create a new template, choose Add New.


    Search for the template to which you want to add the URLs.

  3. In the SAP Service Cloud (C4C) Integration block, enter a URL either in one or both of the fields URL for Direct Calls and URL for Queue Calls.

    The URL is of format http://localhost:[xxxxx]/?CID=[yyyy] in which you replace [xxxxx] with the port of the localhost (the default value is 36729) and [yyyy] with the CID value, for Sinch Contact Pro the value is BCM1234.

    If you leave both fields empty, the SAP CRM OnDemand screen will not appear.

    You can prevent certain contact events from being sent to C4C. Each contact event creates an object in C4C and this may cause unnecessary objects to be created. Define the blocked events by adding one or more of the following parameters after the URL, separated with an ampersand (&) character:









    In the following URL the events of allocated calls and disconnected calls are blocked, and only the connected calls create an object in C4C:


  4. In the SAP Service Cloud (C4C) Integration block, Enable Communication Panel Integration with C4C is enabled by default. Keep it enabled. If you disable this option, no messages are sent to C4C from Communication Panel.
  5. If you want to make it possible for agents to contact a customer by clicking on their phone number in C4C, select Enable Click-to-Connect for SAP Service Cloud (C4C). Available channels are phone call, SMS, and WhatsApp.
  6. Save your entries.
Note: Check that the option Enable ServiceNow Integration for Phone Channel in User and Role Management > User Settings Template > ServiceNow Integration is not selected. If this setting is enabled, the user has to log on to SAP Service Cloud (C4C) twice because the first logon attempt fails due to an issue in ServiceNow, which forces a reload of Communication Panel.

You can open Communication Panel in another browser window and see the My Conversations view that is responsive to the available frame size in the CRM. For more information, see Configuring Responsive My Conversations View.

For more information, see the section SAP Service Cloud (C4C) Integration in Client Workstation Guide.