Receiving Outbound Calls from Inbound Queues

An outbound campaign is configured so that an inbound call queue is used also for the campaign. If you're using :

  • Queue Dialer: Agents with serve rights to the queue will receive inbound queue calls and additionally campaign calls from all active campaigns configured to use that queue
  • Campaign Dialer: Agent selects one campaign to serve in at a time from the list of active campaigns associated to a queue
To configure such a campaign:The campaign can be in the Preview, Predictive, or Progressive mode.

The agents can receive outbound campaign calls from an inbound call queue when they fulfill the following conditions of the Sinch Contact Pro built in dialers.

Queue Dialer:
  • Agents are using Communication Panel or, in Preview or Progressive dialing mode only, CDT.
  • Campaign calls are not allocated to MTD terminals nor to external agents.
  • Agents are logged on to the inbound queue defined for the campaign.
Campaign Dialer:
  • Agents are using Communication Panel.
  • Campaign calls are not allocated to MTD terminals nor to external agents.
  • Agents are logged into the inbound queue defined for the campaign.
  • Agents have the Ready status and the Available presence profile.
  • Using Communication Panel's Grouping filter, an agent logs into only one campaign at a time. Selecting a campaign also automatically logs the agent into the inbound queue defined for the campaign.
  • Agents get a blended experience when serving in a preview or progressive campaign, meaning that they can receive also conversations from other queues in-between campaign calls.
  • Agents get a non-blended experience when serving in a predictive campaign, meaning that only campaign calls are received. Communication Panel will unjoin the agent from all other queues and maintain only the defined campaign queues' serving status for predictive mode. (Unjoining the campaign restores the previous queue assignments.)
  • A predictive campaign requires the availability of the agent to connect directly with a customer. Therefore, the agent will be removed from serving in the predictive campaign if their status is set to Not ready or if a profile with queue groups is selected.


  • Agent uses CDT
  • Agent selects to serve in the preview campaign