Volume Reports - Contact Log

Volume reports Contact Log and Contact Log with Content show detailed information of contacts. Results are limited to 200 000 rows. Report parameter listing is based on the data in the Contact universe in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence.

Table 1. Filters




Choose one of the days filtered by the month selection. The default value is the previous day.


Choose one of the quarter hours filtered by the day selection. The default value is All.


Choose the application you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the queue you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the channels included in reporting. The default value is All.

The report includes reporting data for the following items for the set search parameter values:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions




Row number


Day of contacts (based on disconnection / handling time)


Application where the contact originally arrived

Queue (Original)

Queue where the contact originally arrived

Queue (Final)

Queue where the contact was handled

Channel Type

Contact categorized based on channel, direction, and whether the contact is internal


Agent who answered or created the contact

Start Time

Start time of the contact

End Time

End time of the contact

Source (A Number)

Source address of the contact

The last three digits of the source address are masked. The masking can be removed with a customized report. For more information, contact support.

Destination (B Number)

Destination address of the contact

Waiting Time (Total)

Contact's total waiting time

Waiting Time (During Service Times)

Contact's waiting time for emails

Time when the service is closed is excluded.

Handling Time (Total)

Contact's total handling time

Handling Time (Agent)

Contact's handling time per agent

Wrap-Up (Agent)

Wrap-Up time for per agent

This also includes wrap-up made during the contact before the contact was closed.


Contact's response type:

  • Handled
  • AnsweredOnTime
  • FalseAttempt
  • Abandoned
  • ServiceClosed
  • Arrived

Transfer Time

Time when the contact was transferred

Contact ID

Contact's unique ID

The following columns are only available in report Contact Log with Content:
Script Result Content Script result details in compact JSON format
Internal Remark Content Internal remarks in JSON format
Chat Content Chat transcript in compact JSON format
CAD Content Contact attached data (CAD) in JSON format