Creating user groups in Sinch Contact Pro


Always create required users and user groups in the All Users group, or its subgroups. Otherwise you cannot manage them properly.

Copying user groups

To create a user group by copying the sample group:
  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose User and Role Management > User Groups and click Search.

  2. Select the sample group, for example to create one for agents, select Sample Agent Group.

  3. Click Copy and:

    • Enter the name.

    • Select options Parents (this adds the group to the All Users group) and Roles (this adds the role CC Agent for all members of this group).
  4. Click Copy.

Creating user groups manually

To create a subgroup in the All Users group manually:
  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose User and Role Management > User Groups and click Add New.

  2. Enter the Name and other basic information as needed.
  3. Select the Directory Sychronization checkbox.
  4. In the Parents assignment block, click Add, and in the search window select All Users.
  5. In the Roles block, click Add, and in the search window select the role you need, for example CC Agent.
  6. Save the user group.

  7. To ensure that all the members in the superusers group are able to manage the group, do the following:

    1. In Access Rights, add Superusers Group and select Advanced as View Type.

    2. Select all the rights.

      When the rights row is selected, additional rights are diplayed.

    3. Select at least all the checkboxes on the Grant row.

  8. Click Save and Close.