Outbound Campaign - Agent Results

The reports show the agent’s and group’s results of outbound call campaigns. There are 3 reports: annual, monthly, and daily. The reports have a similar structure and data content. Only the reported time intervals are different. The reports are based on the data in the cube CubCSSContacts.

Table 1. Filters

Filter Parameter



Choose one of the years/months/days available in the time dimension. The default value is defined by the day previous to the current day.


Choose the campaign.


There is no default value. The report is not shown until a campaign has been selected.


Choose the group whose information you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the agent. The default value is All.

The reports include reporting data for the following items:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions

Column Type



Show Details

When + sign is displayed in front of the title, the columns marked below with + are hidden. To display the hidden columns, click the + sign.

When – sign is displayed in front of the title, the columns marked below with + are displayed. To hide the columns, click the – sign.

Grouping data

Time unit

Time unit for limiting reporting data


List of reporting groups where the agent belongs to


List of agents

Campaign Name

Displayed campaign name, defined in System Configurator as one of the campaign attributes

Campaign Details

Number of Allocated Customers

Number of customers that are allocated for the specified agent

+Dialled Calls

Number of campaign calls the agent has made

Calculated with formula: Handled – (Skipped + Rejected)

+Answered Calls

Number of handled calls

+Answered %

Percentage of answered calls of dialed calls

Calculated with formula: % * Answered calls / Dialed calls

Total Handled Customers

Number of campaign calls the agent has made

Calculated with formula: Handled – (Skipped + Rejected)

Right Customer Reached

Number of handled calls

Number of Refusals

Number of calls with the call result Refusal

+Redial Scheduled

Number of calls classified with Redial


Number of calls agents have skipped during the campaign


Number of calls agents have rejected during the campaign

+Wrong numbers

Number of calls with the call result Wrong Number

+Handled: Other Reason

Number of handled customers that are not classified with any specified reason

Successful Calls

Number of calls with the call result Successful

Campaign Results Summary.

Order Value

Total value of orders received in the campaign

Agent Gain % of All Handled Customers

Percentage of success customer vs. total number of customers

Calculated with formula: 100% * Successful Calls / Total Customers

Agent Gain % of Reached Customers

Percentage of successful calls vs. Right Customer Reached

Calculated with formula: 100% * Successful Calls / Right Customer Reached