Sending Instant, E-Mail and SMS Messages

Create and send messages in the following way:

  1. Choose Tools > Send Message.


    Right-click the recipient in the directory view and choose the option Send Message.

  2. Select the message type.

    The maximum length for all message types is 1000 characters. If the message exceeds this limit, CDT displays you a warning message. All text that exceeds the maximum limit is discarded when the message is sent.

  3. Enter the message text.

    Note the following:

    • Include your name at the end of an SMS message since the displayed sender is the generic service number.

    • You can use all characters in the keyboard including numbers, special characters (such as accent and punctuation marks), and capital letters.

    • You cannot do any text formatting (such as use italics or underlining) or copy-and-paste graphics to the text.

    • The character counter displays the remaining number of characters you can use.

  4. Select recipients by clicking Directory.

    The Recipients dialog window opens.

    To select several rows simultaneously, hold down Ctrl and select the users.

  5. To send an SMS message, click Add and enter the mobile number in the Number field.

    To send the message to more than one recipient, separate the numbers with semicolons (;).

  6. Check the recipient list and remove any wrong recipients by right-clicking an individual item and choosing Delete.

  7. Click Send.

    The status bar displays the result of the sending.