Daily Statistics

The User Menu > My Statistics view shows personal user statistics of the current working day. Statistics are static, and are updated when the view is opened.

Daily Pause Time The donut chart represents the total pause time defined in the user settings.

Paused time used is shown in blue color as well as a percentage. The pause time is calculated from the times a user has had an absence profile during the current working day. It is also represented in the Daily Work Time bar chart.

Daily Work Time The stacked bar chart represents the total Daily Work Time defined in the user settings.

The current day's work time used as Ready, Not Ready or Paused, and remaining work time are displayed visually by color and as a percentage.

Conversations Handled
  • Total Number (Inbound/Outbound)

  • Calls (Inbound/Outbound)

  • Chats (Inbound/Outbound)

  • Emails (Inbound/Outbound)

  • Callback Requests (Inbound/Outbound) (Added in 2002)

Shows the total number of conversations handled on current day and the number of each conversation type separately, both inbound and outbound conversations. All conversations transmitted in email queues (emails, tasks and action items) are shown as emails, and all chats (text chats, Facebook Messenger and other messages) are shown as chats.