CDT must be open as well.
With supervising rights, you can change queue and skill settings, and open the CDT supervising view from the Agent View, and listen to the recorded calls and manage contacts in the Contact View. Rights are set in the System Configurator application.
Supervising Tasks in Agent View
To start the CDT supervising view, click the link in agent’s name.
To view the latest time when an agent has logged on to a queue, and duration how long the cumulative serving time has been on the current day, place the mouse on the agent’s row in the queue’s cell.
To manage queue settings, click the agent’s cell in the queue’s column. Agent must have rights to the queue (at least yellow background in the cell). The following choices appear:
Belongs to Profiles Queue Group: For information only: The agent has selected a profile where a queue group has been attached. If the checkbox is selected the queue belongs to this queue group, and the group’s name can be displayed by taking the cursor on the menu text. If the checkbox is empty, the queue does not belong to this group. Added in SP04.
Attach to Queue: Attach the agent to the queue.
Serve as Ext. Agent: Allow the agent to serve in the queue as an external agent.
Deny Changes: Start the Forced mode where the agent cannot change queue logging himself/herself.
Close and Refresh Page: Save the changes and update the Monitoring view.
Close: Save the changes without updating the view.
To manage skill settings, right-click any cell on the agent’s row. The list of skills from 0 to 5 levels appear.
Choose the appropriate level for the skill.
To apply the skill level you chose, choose Apply, or close the view with Close.
Supervising Tasks in Contact View
To listen to the recordings, click the Listen button in the rightmost column.
To be able to listen to the recordings, the supervisor must have listening rights (set in the System Configurator application).
It is possible to log who has been listening to recordings (a setting in System Configurator
). When a record is listened, the listener’s name, and listening date and time are displayed, and you can enter a free-form text description to the log. Note that the log file displays the listeners in the listening order, the newest is the upmost. The user can listen to the same recording several times with the same logging. -
Occasionally, for example when short network disconnections occur, contacts linger in the monitoring view though they are disconnected in contact center. To clear inactive contacts from the view:
One contact: To display the contact details dialog, click the contacts row number, and choose End Contact in Monitoring.
All or selected contacts: To display active contacts, click the
icon at the row title. Choose all or some of contacts, and click End Contacts in Monitoring.