My Statistics

This tab is for the agent using Dashboard to view their performance across campaigns they have participated in.

To narrow down the statistics shown, select the campaign(s) and date range and click Search.

To sort the information and change the columns shown in the table, see Sort, Edit, and Export Tables.

Table 1. My Statistics Table Columns
Column Description
Campaign Name The name of the outbound campaign
Calls Made

Number of calls made in the campaign during the current day / overall campaign total


The number of customers that have a campaign outcome and do not require more call attempts


Number of calls where the agent has classified the call as Success

Refusal Number of calls where the agent has classified the call as Refusal
Called Success Rate

Percentage of handled calls where the agent has classified the call as Success

Talking Time Avg.

Average talking time for a campaign call, per campaign. Displayed as average talking time for the current day / average talking time overall for the campaign

Total Talking Time

Cumulative talking time for connected campaign calls. For Predictive campaigns, this includes any time where prompts messages were played for a queuing customer.

On the My Statistics tab, this only includes your talking time for the selected campaigns.

Campaign Progress
Progress of the campaign shown as a stacked bar chart:
  • Handled: broken down into
    • Refusal as dark green
    • Other as mid green (the other Handled results)
    • Success as light green
  • Not Handled: in orange
  • Max. Calls: in blue
  • Filtered: in grey

Hover your cursor over the chart to see the detailed total numbers for each result.