Configuring Predictive Settings for OB Campaigns

You must have rights to modify the campaign or to create campaigns.

You use this procedure to configure settings related to the Predictive dialing mode.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose Outbound Management > Campaign.
  2. Search for the campaign whose settings you want to configure.

    The search result list appears.

  3. Choose the campaign by double-clicking it.
  4. Choose Predictive Settings.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Abandoned Ratio (%)

      The maximum percentage of calls dropped due to no free agent being available. This applies to predictive mode campaigns where dialer calls a customer first, and the call is connected to an agent only after the customer has answered. This function is disabled if the predictive dialer is not selected.

      The value range is from 0 to 20 and the default value is 1.0. Values with maximum of 3 decimals (for example 1.000) are allowed. The lower the value, the longer the agents have to wait for connected calls. Some countries have strict limitations for the abandon ratio value so you should check your local legislation.

    • Increase Ratio (%)

      With the default value (0%) the queue dialer will make one predictive call out for every free agent. Enter a percentage value for queue dialer to make more predictive calls out based on free agents plus increase against busy serving agents. During an active predictive campaign, the current dynamic ratio is increased, for example:

      Calls made = Free agents + (Ratio % * Busy agents)

      If the abandoned ratio is met then the dynamic scaling decreases. The current ratio can be seen from increase ratio.

      The calculation results are shown in CEM log, level DBG. For example:

      CheckNewCampaignCalls [<Campaign GUID>] IncreasePredictiveRatio: [50], agentsTalking: [2] -> additionalCalls: [1]

    • Abandon Timeout (s)

      With Sytel predictive campaigns, the value can be from 0 to 2 seconds. A connected customer call is disconnected if there is no agent for the call within this time, and the customer will get the call result ABANDONED.

      With QueueDialer predictive campaigns, the value can be from 0 to 9999 seconds. A connected customer call without an agent will get the call result HANGUP if it disconnects before the time value is reached. Otherwise it will get the call result ABANDONED.

  6. Save your entries.