Configuring Recording Settings

  • You must have Modify rights to Recording Service.

  • There must be at least one MRS component that has the option Use for Server-Side Recording selected.

You use this procedure to configure server-side recording settings.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose System Services > Recording Settings.
  2. Configure the settings according to the following table.



    File Location

    Enter a path to define the central location where the recorded calls are saved. This path is used for all recordings in the system, unless you define a location-specific path in Agent Server or MRS in Infrastructure Administrator (IA). If you define a location-specific path, make sure the files are replicated to global location as well.

    In a clean installation, the recording path is \\xxx\REC\ so you must define the correct path. We recommend using UNC paths.


    If you change the location, you must restart Agent Server (AS), and Media Routing Server (MRS).

    Recording Mode

    Define the recording level for your system.

    • Disabled

      No recordings are saved onto the server. This setting affects all calls (direct, queue and campaign calls) in the system.

    • Specified for User, Queue or Campaign

      Recording is carried out in specified situations. This means that administrators define that users have the server-side recording option available and they can decide which direct calls to record, or that some queue calls are recorded automatically. You must still activate recording for each user, queue, and campaign.

    • Forced (All Users)

      All calls that a user makes or answers are recorded and also reported into the conversation history. Users are aware of recording (that is, the Recording checkbox is displayed on the user interface).

    • Forced and Hidden (All Users)

      All calls that a user makes or answers are recorded but no information is stored into the conversation history view. Users are unaware of recording.

    Stop Recording When Queue Call Transferred to Exernal Number

    To stop a queue recording if the call is transferred to an external number, select this option. By default queue calls transferred to an external number are recorded. This setting affects all recording modes.

    Automatic File Removal

    Enter a date after which the recorded files are automatically removed.

    Subfolders Created

    Choose how the subdirectories for the files recorded on the server are created.

    The folder names for the recordings are created as follows:

    • Monthly

      The file name format is yyyy_mm\dd_hh_mm_ss_SSR_nr_callid>.wav

      For example 2012_03\03_13_41_38_SSR_102_985A0567894562FAB3698558993347E5.wav

    • Weekly

      The file name format is yyyy_mm_ww\dd_hh_mm_ss_app_callid.wav, where ww is the number 00 to 04 of weeks in the month mm.

      For example 2012_03_03\27_13_41_38_SSR_Cr_985A0567894562FAB3698558993347E5.wav

    • Daily

      The file name format is yyyy_mm\dd\hh_mm_ss_app_callid.wav

      For example 2012_03\27\13_41_38_SSR_Cr_985A0567894562FAB3698558993347E5.wav

    • Hourly

      The file name format is yyyy\mm\dd\hh\mm_ss_app_callid.wav

      For example 2012\03\27\13\41_38_SSR_Cr_985A0567894562FAB3698558993347E5.wav

    • In Root Directory

      Recordings are saved directly to the REC/ folder with the file format yyyymmdd_hh_mm_ss_app_callid.wav.

    • Options User (Monthly), User (Weekly), and User (Daily) mean that the recordings are saved in folders created at the root level: REC\[user's extension number]\ after which the structure of the folders follows the format of options Monthly, Weekly, and Daily.

    In the file format above, nr is either the user’s extension number, or Cr for call based recordings, such as queue recordings, where the owner of the call can change.

    File Format for Recordings

    Choose the file format in which recordings are created:

    • PCM: Audio file is not compressed, the file size is approximately 1 MB per minute. If you use the Record in Stereo option, the file size is doubled. You can use this option for both Communication Panel and Communication Desktop (CDT).

    • GSM: Audio file is compressed, the file size is approximately 1/9 of that of the PCM option, and some deterioration of voice quality may occur. Stereo recording cannot be used with GSM. You can use this option for Communication Desktop (CDT).

    • Opus: Audio file is compressed, disc space usage is approximately 6 Mb/hour for mono and 12 Mb/hour for stereo recordings. You can use this option for Communication Panel. Communication Desktop (CDT) and Online Monitoring use Windows Media Player for playing call recordings. Since the player does not support any open source voice codecs such as Opus, users cannot listen to recordings in the Opus format in CDT and Online Monitoring.

    • If you choose the empty option, the default format, PCM, is used.

    Playing the created call recordings is supported in the following applications:

    • PCM (wav): Supported in Communication Desktop (CDT) and Communication Panel
    • GSM (wav): Supported in Communication Desktop (CDT)
    • Opus (opus): Supported in Communication Panel

    Record in Stereo

    Select this option if you want MRS servers to record files in stereo. You can use this option with PCM and Opus file formats. Note also that the stereo recording doubles the file size.

    The voice of agent and customer are separated into different channels. This enables easy separation of the speaker for speech-to-text software and running the call transcript through AI.

    Use Local Time for Timestamps

    Select this option if you want to use local time instead of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) in the file names of the recorded calls.

  3. Save your entries.