Data Import

Imports are carried out with a tab-delimited text file that contains data from certain fields in a tabular structure and can be opened in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel. Import templates are available in // And Templates. As of SP09 also excel files can be used for import and export but using them requires that Apache POI library is installed in the system, see Installing Prerequisites for Excel Files.

Import Fields

To update the information of an object, make sure that at least one of the identification fields of an object is included in import file, otherwise the import creates a new object.

Id is an internal Sinch Contact Center item, and can be used to update an existing object. If Id is given, the value for it must exist in the database. Otherwise, the import fails. Thus, when exporting an item from a Sinch Contact Center system and importing it to another, remove the Id from the exported file before importing. Also do not map an identification item of other than Sinch Contact Center system as an Id, but use ExternalId.

The following table contains the identification fields that are used in imports. Certain import items have mandatory fields that must be included in the import file, they are listed below as well. The table also includes information about whether it is possible to delete the item with the import tool. However, deleting for example users and queues have effects on the system use. For more information, see Deleting Objects.

If you delete items with the import tool, the import file for deletion must include the following:

  • The column according which the identification is done

    For example, in user deletion the file must contain the column Id, ExternalId or Login

    For the used field labels, see the table below.

  • The column Delete with the value D

Table 1. Import Types

Import Item

Identification Field

Mandatory Fields in Import

Deletion Possible with Import Tool


  1. Id

  2. Name



Configuration (added in SP09)

Configuration import/export is a combination of other object type imports/exports, and identification fields and mandatory fields are defined in them.

Note: Configuration import and export uses Excel files, only. Thus, it cannot be used in local import and export.


Customer consents (added in 1711)





Note: Directory import allows creating a new entry without ExternalId. This was the behavior also in SP03. However, this means that if the same file is imported twice, it creates duplicate entries for each row.
  1. Id

  2. ExternalId



  1. Id
  2. ExternalId and Type
DisruptionSetExternalId, ExternalId, and Type Yes

Outbound blocked numbers





  1. Id

  2. Name

Name, Reason, BehaviorDefault*, Type, Duration, Availability, QueueGroup, DurationRounding, and Priority

* = The BehaviorDefault field is not mandatory for profiles of the type Conference.



  1. Id

  2. Name




  1. Id

  2. ExternalName

  3. Name



User group hierarchy

User group name

User group name



  1. Id

  2. ExternalId

  3. Login



Rights (Added in SP09)

Combination of SubjectType + ObjectType + SubjectName(or SubjectId) + ObjectName(or ObjectId)

SubjectId and ObjectId are retrieved when rights are exported from an existing system, and they can be used for updating existing rights.

SubjectType (role, user group, user), ObjectType (any object that a user can have rights to), SubjectName (or SubjectId), and ObjectName (or ObjectId)







  1. Name + Type (script)

  2. Ordinal/ Question (question)

  3. AnswerOrdinal / Answer (answer)

A script is retrieved using Name and Type. A question is retrieved using either Ordinal or Question: if Ordinal is given, that is used. An answer is retrieved using either AnswerOrdinal or Answer: if Answer is given, that is used.

Name, Type, Ordinal, Question, NextOrdinal, ControlType, and AnswerOrdinal

Rows in the script import are handled differently depending on which value they contain. Name contains a script and requires Type, Question contains a question and requires Ordinal, and Answer contains an answer and requires AnswerOrdinal.


Directory Fields in User Imports

As of SP05, also the user import allows the directory field names (defined in Directory Management > Directory Fields) in any language. This means that the columns in the import file, such as City or First Name, can be in any language if so defined in the directory fields management. Earlier only the system default language was allowed in directory field names of the user import whereas directory import allowed all languages.

To define the language for a field, add the two-digit code of the language (ISO 639-1) after the field name, separated with a colon (:), for example: First Name:EN Last Name:FI.

As of SP08, also user import attributes (FirstName, SurName, Location, Title, Custom1, Custom2, Custom3) can have the language definition in the same way, for example Title:DE. If no language is defined, system default language is used.