Configuring Advanced Queue Settings


These settings are meant for the users who have used the settings in earlier versions. They are for advanced use only. CrmLink and OII settings are moved to Queue Management > Queues > Integration Settings in SP07, see Configuring Integration Settings.

MaxPickTimeout is moved to the channel settings and to the Contact Management settings of queues in SP08 and is now called Timeout for Contacts to be Picked or Rejected. For more information, see Configuring Channel Settings and Configuring Queue's Contact Management Settings.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose Queue Management > Queues.
  2. Search for the queue whose settings you want to configure.

    The search result list appears.

  3. Choose the queue by double-clicking it.
  4. Choose Advanced Settings
  5. Configure the settings according to the following table.

    Queue Type





    This setting defines whether the software tries to find the address of the real sender of the e-mail (for example in the e-mail body text). No default CEM action since the setting can refer to an external SOAP, COM or Python call only. Even when the value is 1, CEM uses the sender of the e-mail. The default value is 0 (not in use).



    This setting defines whether the software tries to find the name of the real sender of the e-mail (for example from the e-mail body text). No default CEM action since the parameter can refer to an external SOAP, COM or Python call only. Even when the value is 1, CEM uses the sender of the e-mail. The default value is 0 (not in use).



    Removed. Define skills in Queues > Skills and set skill requirements for a queue in the queue’s block Skills instead. For more information, see Managing Skills and Defining Skill Requirements.



    This setting defines whether a received auto-reply triggers an auto-reply. The values are as follows:

    • 0 = send

    • 1 = do not send

    Phone, e-mail, and chat


    This setting defines the time that is added to the last connection time of an external agent who rejected a queue contact. Due to this, the next inbound contact is more likely to be allocated to another agent. Enter the value in milliseconds. The default value is 120000.



    This setting defines whether CEM attempts to display the original external source number (A number) when it forwards a call from a queue to an external number. Normally, it displays the queue number as the source number.

    The values are as follows:

    • 0 = the queue number is displayed

    • 1 = the original source number is displayed

    The R number function is operator-specific and requires a special hardware configuration. Contact the supplier for more information. The default value is 0.

    Phone and chat


    As of SP08 use the setting Timeout for Contacts to be Picked or Rejected in System Management > Channels > Voice Channel/E-Mail Channel/Chat Channel or Queue Management > Queues > Phone Queue/E-Mail Queue/Chat Queue > Contact Management.

    For more information, see Configuring Channel Settings and Configuring Queue's Contact Management Settings.

    Phone, e-mail, and chat


    As of SP07 use the Integration Settings block, see Configuring Integration Settings. Before SP07, defines whether the OII integration is disabled (0) or enabled (1) for the queue. The default value is 1 (enabled).



    This setting defines the timeout for calls to be connected to an external number. Enter the value in milliseconds. The default value is 30000.

    Phone, e-mail, and chat


    With any defined value other than 0, the CEM Server writes in log the information used for long-term waiting time calculation. For advanced use only.

    Phone, e-mail, and chat


    Enables writing special log of a queue for studying allocation disturbances. The following values write information in log correspondingly:

    • ALL: Queue configuration, call details, all agents serving in the queue.

    • Number1,Number2,Number3,...: Queue configuration, call details, listed agents.

    Use this parameter in extreme situations only as large amount of log writing may disturb other functions.



    This setting defines the address that is used for sending auto-replies. The default value is the queue mail address.



    This setting defines whether CEM indicates that the original external source number (A number) is unknown when CEM forwards a call from a queue to an external number. Normally, it displays the queue number as the source number.

    An unknown number means that the A number is hidden by using CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction). The values are as follows:

    • 0 = the queue number is displayed (CLIR not in use)

    • 1 = the call comes from an unknown number (CLIR in use)

    • 2 = set always RNumber = CLIR. Whenever RNumber = CLIR, WCD/GW/Bridge infrastructure tries to prevent caller number presentation.

    The default value is 0.



    This setting defines the time that Contact Event Manager (CEM) delays the sending of CALL_ACCEPT.

    Enter the value in milliseconds.

    Phone, e-mail, and chat


    This setting defines whether agents without the required skill rating (they have the rating 0) can answer calls that normally require the skill rating 5. The skill rating for the call is not cleared, and the rating is still used for finding the most suitable free agent. The only thing that differs from the normal situation is that the rule for skill rating 5 is not used. The values are as follows:

    • 1 = the required skills are used in the usual way

    • 0 = agents with the skill rating 0 can also receive calls with the skill requirement 5

    • 2 = when calculating the skill match, the original skill requirements of a contact are used. This means that:

      • Agents with higher skill levels have bigger skill match value and therefore have a higher priority when contacts are allocated.

      • The requirement that agents should have at least the skill level 1 is removed. So, agents with low skill levels can be allocated a contact with the skill requirement 5.

    The default value is 1.



    This setting defines the triggering condition that starts allocating inbound queue contacts to agents participating an Outbound campaign if the Allow Queue Calls During Outbound Campaigns option in System Management > Channels > Contact Center is selected.

    If the condition is fulfilled, agents are paused from the Outbound campaign, and they start to receive inbound contacts. As of SP07 agents return to campaign automatically when the condition is not valid anymore. With a version prior to SP07 agents need to manually choose the Outbound tab in CDT and click Resume to return to the campaign.

    For more information, see Blending Outbound Campaigns and Inbound Contacts.



    As of SP07 use the Integration Settings block, see Configuring Integration Settings.

    Before SP07: This setting defines the name and path of an external HTML page which appears when there is an inbound queue call. The setting is used with an integrated interface (for example, a CRM application). The value can include the following variables: %ANUMBER%, %BNUMBER%, %CALLID%, %EXTRADATA% (for example, a name-value pair from an IVR application), %FIRSTBNUMBER%, %FIRSTQUEUENAME%, %LASTBNUMBER%, %QUEUENAME%, %USERID%, and %USERNAME%. For example, http://WEB PAGE ADDRESS/?BNumber=%BNUMBER%?QueueName=%QUEUENAME%.

    The default value is empty (not in use).



    Added in hotfix and in 1708

    Callback calls are routed to the same trunk as the original call but if there is no such route information in the callback request, this setting defines the route used for the callback calls of the queue.

    • Choose the queue from which calls enter the callback IVR.

    • Define the prefix, enter it here and then enter it in Call Switching > Switching Routes > Pattern with an asterisk (*).


    • Use an existing pattern from Call Switching > Switching Routes > Pattern and enter it here without the asterisk (*).


    The prefix may include numbers and capital letters, only.

  6. Save your entries.