Installing Restful Interfaces

Installation procedure for Restful Intefaces package

Restful Interfaces package provides the following restful interfaces:

As of 1705

Restful Contact Management Interface (CMI): Provides script results, previous chat conversations and information about e-mails.

As of 1611

Restful Directory and Presence Interface (DPI): Provides directory data, and for internal users and queues also presence information.

As of 1608

  • Restful Configuration Interface (RCI) for limited Sinch Contact Pro user management.

    Supports creating, modifying and deleting users, and assigning users to and from a predefined set of user groups.

  • Restful Monitoring Interface (RMI)

  • Restful Task Interface (RTI)

  • License Reporting Interface (LRI)

As of SP09

In Sinch Contact Pro 7.0 SP09, only SAP CECenter integration with RCI was supported. In this integration CEC_Add_on must be installed prior to using the RCI interface.

Installation Procedure


If any of the Restful Interfaces (RI), such as Directory and Presence Interface (DPI) is used together with ECF, the packages RI and ECF Web Server must be installed on the same server.

If communication between RI and ECF Web Server needs to be secured, you must make sure that the following conditions are fulfilled in both ECF Web Server and RI installation.:

  • Only TCP Port Number for HTTPS is defined during installation.

  • IP addresses of both ECF Web Server and RI virtual units are added as extensions to the certificate request.

  • Java trusts the certificate, or its issuer.

Restful Interface uses Tomcat, and installing the Restful Interface package installs this to the system. You need a certificate to make the connection secure.

  1. Create a certificate, see Creating Certificate for Restful Interfaces.

    As of version 1611, communication between RI and ECF Web Server can be secured as well. To do that, add the IP addresses of both ECF VU and RI VU to both ECF and RI certificate request extensions, and when you receive the certificate, enter it or the issuer to Java folder.

  2. Install the RI VU with IA, see Installing Restful Virtual Unit.

  3. If you have selected Java keystore during installation, you need one, see Generating Java Keystore