Customizing Product Name and Logo
You can replace the Sinch brand and Sinch Contact Pro product name with your own product name and brand.
This is supported for the following user interfaces:
- Communication Panel
- Dashboard
- Launchpad
- Visitor Chat Configurator
You can also hide copyright and disable or replace help link for Communication Panel, Dashboard, and Launchpad.
- To replace the Sinch Contact Pro
product name or the logo or to hide copyright and help link, open the file
Common.json in VU\[ecf agents
You can also change the browser tab name and favicon.
All UIs use this same file. The folder ECFSettings also includes a ReadMe.txt file.
- Define companyLogo, favicon, and productLogo as links to external or local file image resources.
- To hide copyright and/or hide help link, set the following:
- showCopyright: false
- showHelpLink: false
- To change the help link for
- Communication Panel, open CommunicationPanel.json and replace the link for the helpPath setting.
- Dashboard, open Common.json and replace the link for the dashboardHelpPath setting.
- Save your changes.