Using Ringback Function

You use this procedure to check whether the selected users are free to take calls. When you have the ringback dialog window open, you can see immediately their status and you do not have to search for them in the directory or use the destination field.

The function is only available for internal extension numbers.

  1. Click the Ringback button.

    A dialog window opens.

  2. Enter the number of the user or users you want to add to your ringback list and click Add.

    If you have chosen the user before opening the Ringback dialog window, the user’s number appears in the Number field.

    The destination field displays a message xxx is available and you hear a short signal when the user is free. The users on the list are automatically removed when they are free to take calls.

  3. To keep the ringbacks active until you log off from CDT, select Continuous.

    The message and the signal are not available for this option. Instead, you must check the status in the Presence column.

  4. To keep the ringbacks active even when you log off from CDT, select Permanent and Continuous.

    The message and the signal are not available for this option. Instead, you must check the status in the Presence column.