Settings Menu

  • Local Deployment Parameters: Manage the Home Directory, Install Media Directory and Hotfix Directory folders.

  • Local Logging Parameters: Manage the Logs Directory and define the log detail level. Log levels are:

    • Log Always

    • Errors Only

    • Include Warnings

    • Include Basics

    • Include Details

    • Include Debug Messages

  • User Interface Parameters:

    • Language: Only English is available at the moment.

    • Look and Feel: Choose the general appearance from Tradeshow (the default value), or System options. To apply the selection, restart the software.

    • Help Page Container: Clicking Help opens a page of application help. This variable defines the constant part of the help page URL. Added in 1608.

    • User Interface Behavior: Enable or disable choosing model tree elements with a right-click.

  • Event Mask: Select which event types are included in events log view.