View Menu

  • Lock Views: Locks IA so that you can only monitor the system. You cannot make any changes before you unlock the application. Use this to prevent accidental changes to the system while monitoring the system.

  • Unlock Views: Unlocks the application.

  • Details Pane: Select Show Element Properties or Show Monitoring Views for display on the right pane.

  • Log Pane: Define if the log pane is displayed, and where. position in the bottom of either both (Center) or the right pane. Displays or hides the log pane.

    • Position: Center: Displays the log pane on the bottom of both panes.

    • Position: Right: Displays the log pane on the bottom of the right pane.

    • Show Log Pane: Toggles the log pane on and off.

  • Clear Log: Clears the log view.