Connection Web Server (COWS)

This is not supported in Sinch Contact Pro on-premise. Connection Web Server (COWS) is used instead of Connection Server to enable System Configurator web access in cloud systems.

Table 1. Connection Server Variables



IP Address of the Virtual Unit

Virtual IP address, for information only. Address cannot be changed as it is defined when the virtual unit is created.

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Software running in the virtual unit uses this directory for its log files

Product Documentation Website

The default value points to the documentation website because the local documentation package is not delivered with the software.

Use Windows Authentication for Database Connections

Specify whether Windows authentication should be used for database connections. The selection is on by default, and we recommend using it. With Windows authentication, you can leave database password fields empty. If you remove the selection, SQL logon is used, and you must enter database user name and password for each database connection, and they are saved in registry and log files as plain text.

Configuration Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

System Name for System Configurator

Name of the system to be displayed on the SC user interface.

URL Prefix for HTTP-Based Server Peers Communication

The URL prefix used by server peers and HAC to connect using HTTP(S) to this instance. Do not change in normal installations, for customized installations only.

URL for Clients to Connect to Connection Web Server

The URL used by clients to connect using HTTP(S) to this instance. The default value works if there are no proxies between COWS and the user's browsers but with a proxy, this URL may need to be modified according to the settings in that proxy. The default value is [IP Address of COWS Virtual Unit]:[TCP Port Number for Clients]/scweb.

User Authentication Settings

Define who can access System Configurator via web, and authentication method with these settings.

Authentication Mode

Define the authentication method in Connection Web Server. Available choices are:

  • Authenticate with oAuth

  • Authenticate with Login
  • Authenticate with Login and oAuth, the default value. System tries oAuth authentication first, and if it fails, user name and password are prompted from the user.

Directory for OAuth Certificates

Should contain key files named rsakey.pem, ownpriv.pem and ownpub.pem. The default value is WEB-INF/classes.

User AWS Authentication Settings

The following variables are for cloud systems only:

  • Comma separate list of accepted AWS issuers

  • Domain name of operator AWS Cognito UserPool

  • CCTR username for operator

  • Group field name for operators

  • Accepted groups (regex)

Added in 2005.

Java Keystore Settings for Connection Web Server

Define with these settings a keystore and truststore for certificates that secure communication.

Java Keystore File Name for SSL Certificates

Path to Java keystore file used for storing certificates. The defalr value is $WICOM_HOME$/certificates/keystore

Java Keystore File Password for SSL Certificates

Password for Java keystore file used for storing certificates.

Truststore File Name for SSL CA Certificates

Path to Java CA certificates truststore file used for storing CA certificates. $WICOM_HOME$/certificates/cacerts

Truststore File Password for SSL CA certificates

Password for Java CA certificates truststore file used for storing CA certificates

Client Port Settings

Define client communication issues with these settings

Protocol for Client Communication

Choose the communication protocol for the clients port, either HTTP or secure HTTPS. The default value is HTTPS.

Certificate Alias for Client HTTPS Connections

If HTTPS is selected, enter certificate alias for client HTTPS connections to Java keystore.

Certificate Subject for Client HTTPS Connections on User's Workstation

Certificate subject, or Subject Alternative Name if SANs are used, for client HTTPS connections. The default value is the value of Certificate Alias for Client HTTPS Connections and it can be used if there are no proxies between COWS and the user's browsers. If there is a proxy, this certificate name may need to be modified according to the settings in that proxy.

TCP/TLS Port Number for Clients

The HTTP/HTTPS port number for Connection Web Server (Tomcat) towards user clients.The default value is 443.

CORS Allowed Origins

Define as regex string the URLs which are allowed to load content.

Heartbeat Interval for Client Connections (Seconds)

Specify how often client connections send a heartbeat message. The default value is 20.

Client Connection Timeout (Seconds)

Timeout for determining a silent loss of a client connection. The default value is 60.

Server Peer Port Settings

Define settings for server peer communication

Connection Web Server Port for Backend Server Peers

The TCP/TLS port number that Connection Web Server uses to connect to Agent Server. The default value is 21917

Protocol for Server Peers Communication

Select communication protocol for backend server peers port, either HTTP or secure HTTPS. The default value is HTTPS.

Certificate Alias for Backend Server Peer Connections

If HTTPS is selected above, enter certificate alias for backend server peer SSL connections.

Heartbeat Interval for Server Peer Connections (Seconds)

Specifies how often server peer connections send a heartbeat message. The default value is 5.

Server Peer Connection Timeout (Seconds)

Timeout for determining a silent loss of a server peer connection. The default value is 5.

Tomcat Settings

Path to Installed Binary Files of Tomcat

The path to the Tomcat installation (CATALINA_HOME). The default value is $VU_HOME$\webserver\tomcat.

Tomcat Startup Extra Parameters

Enter additional Java Virtual Machine parameters separated with space. By default, there is one that enhances the memory allocation to 1GM.