Server Network

The server network segment takes care of communication to the other systems, for example to end-users in the office, or over the internet, or interfacing other server systems. The following tiers are typical:

  • Administration tier consist of the following components:

    • Connection Server (CoS) forms an encrypted communication tunnel to the client either in the office network or on the mobile phone. The server side is authenticated via a TLS server certificate. We recommend using separate connectivity tiers for administration and agents.

    • Agent Server (AS) in this tier takes care of configuration data when serving System Configurator. If maximum security is required, Agent Server can be placed among core components, and communication between CoS and AS can be secured with TLS.

    • Batch Job Server can be installed on the Administration tier as well: Batch Job Server runs batch jobs like sending and receiving messages, and File Replication Server replicates files, such as recordings or prompts from one site to another.

    • Chat Server is required if chat channel is in use in the system.

    • Directory Server handles directory information.

  • Agent tier includes server components for agent enables communication with end-users:

    • Agent Server (AS) takes care of agent and customer data when serving end-user communication such as CDT.

    • External Terminal Connector (ETC) is required for SIP phones and external agents.

    • We recommend installing also a Media Routing Server (MRS) component for recording.

  • Front End tier enables communication with end-users:

    • SIP Bridge connects the system to the third party SIP IP phones.

    • Media Routing Server (MRS) plays prompts for SIP phones

    • Connection Server (CoS) forms a secure TLS tunnel between the server network and clients, such as CDT.

  • PSTN Bridges tier enables communication to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

    • SIP and H323 Bridges connect the system to the third party PSTN Gateways.

    • Media Routing Server (MRS) plays prompts towards PSTN.

    • Connection Server (CoS) forms a secure TLS tunnel between the server network and clients, such as CDT.

    • Prompts packages include pre-recorded prompts in different UI languages.

  • Website tier consists of the following components:

    • Web Server

    • The non-personal components of the communication (web page components in the Web Client package) can be passed along the non-secure line, as no actual telephony data is passed on the connection. When maximum security is required, the Web Clients package can be isolated from other server interface segment components by a firewall.

    • Monitoring Web Clients component take care of showing monitoring data on a web browser.

    • Remote Administration Tools component launches the web start for IA and SC.

    • E-Mail Sender enables having e-mail channel in the system.

    • Product Documentation includes online help documents.

  • We recommend installing the following Reporting related packages on a dedicated server, or server system:

    • Reporting Database Server

    • Web Server for creating the Reporting website.

    • Standard Reports

  • Externals tier includes components that enable integration to other systems, such as external quality systems, or chat.

    • Chat Portal Server (CPS) provides interface for the chat channel. It receives chat requests from the Internet Chat Client package or a customized solution.

    • Integration Interfaces enable connecting to internal systems, such as SAP CRM, and requires that the Web Server is installed in the same virtual unit.

    • SMS Server enables sending SMS messages.

    • Quality Management Server (QMS) enables that a 3rd party software can be used for quality control of the incoming and outbound calls and contacts.