What’s New

Informs administrators of new features, improvements and corrected defects in the new release

Master Guide

Introduces Sinch Contact Pro

Security Guide

Assists DPOs in securing their Contact Center system

Infrastructure Administrator

Instructs in setting up, monitoring and logging Sinch Contact Pro

Installation Guide

Describes how to install Sinch Contact Pro both in on-premise and cloud environments

Compatibility List

Lists software and hardware requirements and recommendations

System Configurator

Instructs administrators comprehensively in setting up Sinch Contact Pro applications and features

Operation Guide

Describes tasks required during operation phase of Sinch Contact Pro, such as logging, periodic tasks, and software change management

Client Workstation Guide

Describes prerequisites, security settings and steps required on workstations when taking Sinch Contact Pro applications into use

MS365 Mail Server (OAuth User) and MS365 Mail Server (OAuth Server)

Instructs in using OAuth for authenticating requests when fetching emails from Microsoft 365 mail server

Facebook Messenger Integration

Instructs in integrating Facebook Messenger

IVR Development Guide

Extends the instructions available in the System Configurator guide on creating IVR applications

Reporting Data Guide

Introduces Sinch Contact Pro reporting system data members to help out when implementing a reporting solution

Reporting Data Examples

Describes reporting data with conversation handling examples

Disruption Management

Describes the disruption management feature in Sinch Contact Pro and instructs in setting it up

Communication Panel

Instructs agents in using Communication Panel, a web-based application for managing customer interactions in Sinch Contact Pro

Supervisor Dashboard

Instructs agent team leaders in monitoring Communication Panel agents, queues and service levels in the Supervisor Dashboard application

Monitoring and Reporting

Instructs agent team leaders in monitoring Communication Panel agents, queues and service levels in the Online Monitoring application, and describes different reports available in the SAP BusinessObjects application on Communication Panel agents, queues, volume, scripts and outbound campaigns

Standard Reports Guide

Describes the columns used in reporting and explains how service level is calculated

CDT and IP Desk Phones (NOTE: Read more about CDT sunsetting)

Instructs in using Communication Desktop, an application for managing customer interactions in Sinch Contact Pro

API documentation

Instructs in accessing Sinch Contact Pro core functionalities

Previous versions
FP17 documentation

Previous on-premise release documentation