Installing Design Studio Extensions Locally

Design Studio Extensions packages are available in SAP Community Network, SCN, either as an offline zip package, or as an online.

  1. Install the extension repository with one of the methods:
    • Offline repository method: The advantage is that once the software is obtained, it can be distributed to other memeber of a team, and there is no need to worry about corporate firewall issues after it has been downloaded.

      1. Download either the stable or preview version from the links.
        • stable:…
        • preview:
      2. In Design Studio, select Tools > Install Extension to Design Studio, click the Archive… button, and browse to the downloaded .ZIP file.
    • Online repository method: The advantage is that updates can be done within the Design Studio tool itself.
      In Design Studio, select Tools > Install Extension to Design Studio, and copy an paste either the stable or preview version of the following links:
      • stable:
      • preview:
      Note that these links work only in the Design Studio tool.
  2. Install SCN Community Package with free SDK Components.
  3. Restart Design Studio.