Special Issues in Reporting

The following issues may solve some problems in reporting:

Make sure that all required contacts are included in reporting

Consider the following configuration issues, specially if RDI statistics is used for integration

  • Make sure that all desired contacts are selected to be reported. This applies especially to IVRs as they are not reported by default. To include an IVR into reporting, check in the SC Reporting > Statistic Settings > Application Reporting the IVR application’s Activate Reporting checkbox, or for a custom IVR, select SC IVR Management > Basics > Add Custom IVR to Reported Applications.

  • Adjust Max Waiting Time and Max Handling Time for contacts either on the channel level or per queue so that all required events are reported, as the times that exceed the said limits are not reported but considered as exceptions.

  • Make sure the contacts you want to have a report of are not protected by any of the rules in the SC Reporting > Data Protection Rules. Especially if Protect Contact Links, Protect Consultation Links, or Protect Conference Links is selected, call chains cannot be reported. This applies also to cases when RDI statistics are used for integration.