
When the prerequisite software has been installed, Sinch Contact Pro software packages can be installed with the IA tool.

Note: Preferred IP is no more used in IP communication in Windows Servers. Therefore we recommend to use IP address instead of DNS name when controlling servers via remote desktop.

The installation procedure consists of the following steps. The first and second step must be done locally on each server, then you can use IA on a workstation to control the entire system:

  1. Install IA locally on each server, see Installing Infrastructure Administrator Tool and perform the following steps with the IA tool

  2. Create HAC Nodes locally on all servers. After creating the first HAC node, copy the system model to next server and open IA on the next server using that latest version of the model file. When it is saved on the latest server the system model file will be delivered to earlier HAC nodes automatically. For more information, see Creating HAC Nodes and Starting HAC Services.

  3. To start communication between nodes, choose Connection > Connect, and make sure that a green triangle appears on all nodes.

  4. Install database packages, see Installing Databases.

  5. Create virtual units with software packages in them, and instantiate them on appropriate HAC node(s). To make the installation as smoothly as possible, use virtual unit templates and the recommended order; see Installing Virtual Units.

    • Each virtual unit must have a unique name and a free (virtual) IP address. The virtual unit names should be descriptive and contain the customer or subsystem name. You cannot change the virtual unit names later on when updating the system. If necessary, create new virtual units with new names.

    • You can arrange virtual units in a Logical System. For example, if you have a system where several customers are hosted, create a logical system for each of them.

  6. To start the system after installation, choose the Monitoring Mode.

Additionally this section includes the following chapters: