Making Consultation Calls

You use this procedure to make a consultation call during an active call. Consultation calls are especially useful when you want to check something from your colleague without hanging up the other call. When the original call is on hold, the first party cannot hear the conversation between you and your colleague.

  1. Make a call or answer an inbound call.
  2. Enter the number of the person to whom you want to call into the destination field.
  3. Click the Call button or use a shortcut key.

    CDT puts the original call on hold automatically and makes the second call.

  4. To terminate the consultation call, click the Hang Up button or use a shortcut key.
  5. Continue in one of the following ways:
    • To make another consultation call, repeat the steps from 2 to 4 before retrieving the original call.

    • To continue with the original call, click the Retrieve button or use a shortcut key.

    • To connect the original call and the consultation call, click the Connect button.